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Health Care Collage Words Medicine Background

Why it Really is…Survival of the Fittest

The law of the jungle means that the fittest survive. The same law applies to an emergency situation. The more fit you are, the more likely you are to make it through challenges in the long run. How do you prepare yourself for an emergency situation? By making sure you are physically, mentally and immunologically fit! That’s right – immunologically fit.

Psychological consultation

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Programs: Finding Hope and Help through Dual Diagnosis

It is frustrating enough to experience the hopelessness, despair and other negative feelings associated with a substance use disorder. A co-occurring mental health disorder can lead to even more confusion. You know you need treatment, but do not know whether to turn to a mental health program or substance abuse program. Discover how you or your loved one can find help and hope at a dual diagnosis treatment program.


Where There’s a Will To Exercise, There’s a Way

Why seated exercise you may ask? Simple! When exercise is accessible, easy and comfortable for people, they will exercise more! A recent study linked physical inactivity to more than 5 million deaths worldwide per year more than those caused by smoking. The study revealed that only 20.6 percent of people surveyed met the total recommended amount of exercise — about 23 percent of all men surveyed and 18 percent of the women.