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Why it Really is…Survival of the Fittest

The law of the jungle means that the fittest survive. The same law applies to an emergency situation. The more fit you are, the more likely you are to make it through challenges in the long run. How do you prepare yourself for an emergency situation? By making sure you are physically, mentally and immunologically fit! That’s right – immunologically fit.

Pilates aerobic personal trainer man in cadillac

5 Ways to Differentiate Your Fitness Business in Today’s Crowded Market

Recent research compiled by IBISWorld shows there’s over 100,000 fitness studios in the continental United States. 100,000! Further, the studio market represents over $22 billion in revenue, is the fastest growing segment of the fitness industry AND is larger than all the health clubs, YMCAs, JCCs, corporate, college/university, hospital-based, military, park & rec., senior living, and physical therapy locations combined!


Where There’s a Will To Exercise, There’s a Way

Why seated exercise you may ask? Simple! When exercise is accessible, easy and comfortable for people, they will exercise more! A recent study linked physical inactivity to more than 5 million deaths worldwide per year more than those caused by smoking. The study revealed that only 20.6 percent of people surveyed met the total recommended amount of exercise — about 23 percent of all men surveyed and 18 percent of the women.

senior woman doing exercises

How Exercise and Healthy Eating Empowers People With Multiple Sclerosis

As a certified personal trainer for over two decades, I’ve had the privilege of working with many people from all walks of life. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to find a way to help others have a better quality of life. When I studied to become a multiple sclerosis fitness and wellness specialist I realized that people with MS can benefit from exercise and proper nutrition in a number of ways.This got me excited to learn all that I could about how to empower people who have MS.