Find a Fitness Professional Near You on the MedFit Network

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If you’re struggling with medical issues or chronic health conditions that are keeping you from doing the things you love, MedFit Network can connect you with a personal fitness trainer to help coach you into living your best life.

A MedFit Network provider is not your everyday exercise trainer. MedFit health and fitness professionals are looking to work and train people who are living with every kind of health condition; many members have taken the next steps in education to equip themselves with the knowledge to serve your unique needs.

Member Spotlight

Meet a few of our Medical Fitness Specialists

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If you cannot locate a MedFit professional in your area, we will do our best to locate a qualified medical fitness provider who specializes in your health condition.

MedFit Network provides our directory to you as a free service.

It’s not always just ‘exercise and eat right’; those with medical conditions, chronic disease or post-surgery need specialized programming and assistance.

Safety is paramount and you’ll find most MedFit Network members are specialized in working with one or more of the following conditions:

What is MedFit Network?

MedFit Network is a free online resource directory for the community to locate fitness and allied healthcare providers who have education in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic disease or medical conditions.

The information contained on the MFN website is provided as a service to the community. We try to provide quality information, but make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained in or associated with this website. MFN does not endorse any of the providers listed on the website and we suggest conducting due diligence prior to contacting and/or hiring any professional.