Member Spotlight: Senior Fitness Specialist in Woodstock, GA
Gina works with clients that seek out a trainer to tailor an exercise plan to meet them where they are.
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Gina works with clients that seek out a trainer to tailor an exercise plan to meet them where they are.
More and more companies today are rapidly and actively taking part in improving their employees’ wellness. It’s a positive development in the corporate environment because many of our daily habits are actually harmful to our health. Multitasking and continuous exposure to technology—two of the most common things we do at work—can overwhelm and end up making a person feel unproductive. Even worse, these circumstances can lead to other bad habits and more serious health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Not only the employees, but the company will also suffer. Inflated health care costs and decreased productivity are only some of the effects of poor employee wellness.
A corporate wellness program is a solution to remedy these undesirable effects. It can be implemented in many different ways, but the most important thing to remember is the employees are the focus of this program. Healthy and happy employees are the foundation of a successful company. Now, what does a good corporate wellness program look like? What are the factors that determine its success? And how can you design a program that actually works for your company?
A good corporate wellness program shouldn’t add to the complexity of office life. In other words, it should be simple and practical. It should also be integrated into the company structure and involves all employees. Employers must offer motivation and support to maintain the continuity of the program and therefore guaranteeing its success. Below are several concrete suggestions that you can do to implement a wellness program at your office.
“Weight loss starts in the kitchen.” Don’t take this quote so literally, but look at the point it makes: good nutrition is at the core of getting healthy. With this in mind, here are some of the things you can do at your company:
Stock healthy snacks and drinks
An employee with diabetes can cost the company tens of thousands annually in health related non productivity, and that is just one single employee! Swap the candies and sodium-laden chips with fresh fruits and nuts. Stop supplying vending machines filled with soda and other sugary drinks and encourage workers to drink more water instead. Another way you can motivate workers to eat more healthily is to have lunch together so it feels more like a group effort.
Opt for stand-up desks and ergonomic chairs
Sitting for an extended amount of time can carry negative side effects, not the least of which is obesity. A Mayo Clinic study concluded that workers who sit less gain little to no weight compared to those who sit all day. Stand-up desks help employees to move from sitting to standing position easily, hence increasing physical activity. When they do have to sit, ergonomic chairs will help to support the lower back, maintain good posture, and prevent and reduce back pain.
Offer incentives to quit smoking
Studies show that smokers miss more workdays compared to non-smokers, which will eventually affect the company’s productivity. To help employees stop smoking, the company can offer financial incentives that are shown to be 3 times more likely to achieve success. [1].
Be creative and turn your office supplies into workout equipment.
Anti-slip chair mats can serve as a yoga mat—a great way to get your employees moving.
Organize group activities.
Hold morning stretching and yoga sessions at work, or encourage workers to cycle to work.
Wearable technologies.
If you have a bit more budget, technologies like FitBit can help monitor workers’ activity level, fitness, and sleep quality.
Let your workers socialize
Socializing can provide a small but much-needed break from routine and help workers to clear their head. A collaborative workspace will encourage and increase the workers’ chance to socialize whenever they feel necessary.
Post inspirational quotes around the office
Properly-placed motivations like quotes and appreciation of achievements fill the brain with positivity and in turn increase productivity.
Provide an open library
To help with workers’ personal growth, a company can supply various self-help and self-development books. If you’d like to be even more organized, you can arrange a book club where people can read and review books.
Create an employee lounge
Let your workers have a shut-eye moment to rest their brain from the hectic work hours. A short nap time can increase creativity and productivity, and also improve the memory.
Schedule break time and recess
Encourage your employees to take 5 minutes per hour to get up from their workspace and do something other than work. They can walk around, socialize, or grab some water and healthy snacks from the kitchen.
Offer extended vacation days
You can reward your employees by giving them the day off on their birthday or a short sabbatical for the best employee of the month.
Basically, you want your employees to enjoy coming to work. You can make this happen by holding some events at work, impromptu or otherwise, such as:
Setting up a chair race
If done properly, there’s no downside to this method. It’s fun, adrenaline-filled, and competitive at the same time!
Casual Friday
It doesn’t have to be Friday, really, but make sure to set aside one day where workers don’t have to be formal all the time. Bringing a little bit of ourselves to work is a lot of fun!
Play some music
Music is well-known to reduce depression, improve mood, and boost creativity. Make sure you choose soft tunes—loud music can be distracting.
As your organization learns to embrace healthier office habits, it can only improve employee wellness. You’ll notice that these suggestions are not overly complicated and most of them involve a group activity. But most importantly, all of them serve as a much-needed resource for your employees. You can choose which ever ones suit your company and your budget best—it doesn’t need to be this exact program.
So, are you ready to try them? Here’s a tip: start small. Implement just one of these ideas and before you know it, you’ll have healthier and happier employees, a better office environment and contribute to reducing health costs while increasing productivity.
JasonL has the people power and infrastructure to deliver office furniture from a single chair to an entire office fit-out. We are “Yes” people and have trained sales persons, interior designers, installers and office movers to make your furniture journey easy and enjoyable. You can find premium stand up desks at
In this era of highly competitive sports, more and more runners, cyclists, soccer players and other serious athletes are eagerly seeking information on how to fuel optimally. Performance nutrition is also of interest to Marines, special operations troops such as the Navy Sea, Air and Land (SEAL) teams, and others in the military who need to perform at a very high level to both survive and to carry out their missions. Hence, effective fueling practices are a topic of great interest and research for the US Armed Forces.
At this year’s annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (the nation’s largest group of sports medicine professionals, exercise scientists, and sports nutrition researchers;, civilian as well as military exercise scientists presented the results of their recent nutrition research, some of which I have highlighted below.
This information might be of interest to you, whether you are a competitive athlete or soldier who trains for hours in the summer heat, winter cold, at high altitude, or for in preparation for a strenuous event—be it a military mission, Ironman triathlon, or an adventure race. Regardless of your reason for exercising, fueling your body wisely and well can greatly impact your ability to perform optimally today as well as invest in your future health and well-being.
• To become a Navy SEAL, you have to go through SEAL Qualification Training. A survey of 264 of these serious “military athletes” indicates their diets rated only 56 out of 100 on the Healthy Eating Index. This is slightly lower than the score of 59 for the general US population. To the disadvantage of these trainees, their dietary patterns were low in health-protective fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, but high in health-eroding refined foods with added sugar, fat and alcohol. This type of eating pattern promotes inflammation. By improving their food choices (more colorful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats), they could reduce systemic inflammation, which could enhance recovery from training, boost immune response, and help them maintain better health. As you know, an injured or sick soldier or athlete is not an asset to any team.
• Marines in training for acceptance to Special Operation Forces exercise extremely hard during their training program. One might think they would suffer from long-term undesired weight loss. Not the case. After each period of intentional severe food deprivation, the trainees manage to restore the significant amount of weight they lost. For example, in the toughest part of the 261-day training program (days 115-123), the men burned about 6,400 calories a day. They had access to only 2,400 calories of food. That’s about 4,000 calories a day less than they needed! They lost, on average, 11 pounds (4.9 kg). The Marines intuitively returned to their baseline weights after that training period, when they had access to adequate fuel. As an athlete who has dropped weight, only to regain it, you may have seen first-hand how the body works hard to defend a genetic weight. Weight is more than a matter of willpower.
• Speedy recovery from strenuous exercise is of key interest to military personnel. Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (more commonly called HMB; a natural by-product of protein/leucine metabolism) has been shown to enhance muscle recovery from high intensity exercise. Would HMB with supplemental probiotics (gut microbes that enhance protein absorption) be a way to enhance soldiers’ muscle recovery? To find the answer, soldiers took HMB + probiotics during 2 weeks of intense military training (carrying ~77 pounds (35 kg) of equipment while marching 16-19 miles (25-30 km) per night in tough terrain). Results of this study suggest that HMB supplementation reduced the inflammatory response to intense training. Combining HMB with the probiotic Bacillus coagulans was even more beneficial than HMB alone in maintaining muscle integrity during the intense military training.
The question now arises: Can athletes who eat a high quality diet with leucine-rich food (meat, fish, chicken, cheese, whey) + probiotic-supporting fiber-rich food (vegetables, fruit whole grains) reap the same benefits? Sounds like a winning combination to me!
• Staying healthy is important for soldiers and athletes alike; neither have time for illness due to upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) such as colds. Would taking a high does of Vitamin D, which has been shown to improve immune function, offer protection? To answer that question, Marines in basic training received daily for 12 weeks either 1,000 IUs of Vitamin D-2 (the RDA is 600 IU) or a placebo. The majority (72%) of recruits reported getting a URTI during the 12 weeks. The high dose of Vitamin D did not offer a protective effect in this highly stressful environment. Perhaps you could instead focus on having clean hands and getting adequate sleep.
• Now that women can perform combat duty, a question arises: How well can the women perform physically compared to the men? To find the answer, 302 marines underwent comprehensive testing including strength, flexibility, balance, power, agility, and physical fitness tests (pull ups, push ups, sit ups, bench press, 2-mile run, etc). They then were stratified into three groups according to the test results, regardless of sex or body fat: best (all men), middle (mostly men), worst (mostly female).
When compared by sex, the men, understandably, tended to have less body fat—except when compared to the best performing women. The amount of the male or female marines’ muscle-mass determined athletic performance more so than their body fatness. The best-performing men and women in groups one and two had significantly more muscle than the men and women in group three. The researchers concluded that muscle mass may have a stronger association with performance during strength, aerobic, and anaerobic tests than does percent body fat. This is a good example of how the leanest athlete is not inherently the best athlete. For some athletes, building more muscle might be more important than losing body fat.
Sports nutritionist Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD has a private practice in the Boston-area (Newton; 617-795-1875), where she counsels both fitness exercisers and competitive athletes, teaching them how to eat to win. Her popular Sports Nutrition Guidebook, and food guides for marathoners, cyclists and soccer are available at, as well as information about her online workshop and teaching materials.
We all have one…a path that takes us from one place to the next. For most of us, our paths meander like a labyrinth and we collect experiences that in turn guide us to our next step.
Although it comes in many forms throughout the body, in general arthritis is an inflammation. There are various reasons that this condition occurs, but one thing is for sure — it can affect a person of any age and in many different situations.
When designing a prenatal fitness program the key components of intensity, duration, frequency, and mode are used, but specific modifications in the level of progression, supervision, and monitoring are needed in order to keep the exercise safe for mother and fetus. The goal of a prenatal exercise routine is to maintain or improve overall fitness, strength, and flexibility. Keep in mind that each woman’s fitness level and ability will vary, and as pregnancy progresses changes in her body will affect her ability to exercise comfortably.
There are many reasons why a cancer patient should stay as active as possible through cancer treatment and recovery. I will begin by pointing out a few studies that show how exercise can benefit cancer patients. These studies demonstrate how exercise can reduce certain side effects from treatment, increase energy, decrease stress, and improve quality of life. In the last article of this series, I will suggest ways to develop an exercise program that based on the individual’s needs and is safe and effective.
Research has shown that exercise can reduce the risk of getting some types of cancers. There are numerous published studies on the benefits of exercise for those with colon cancer, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer. An American Cancer Society’s newsletter stated: “Among breast cancer survivors, a recent analysis shows that getting exercise after diagnosis was associated with a 34% lowered risk of breast cancer death, a 41% lower risk of dying from all causes, and a 24% lowered risk of breast cancer recurrence. Among colon cancer, studies suggest exercise cuts death from colon cancer and all causes, and cuts the risk of the cancer coming back by up to 50%.”
The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that exercise lowers the risk of 13 types of cancers. Since there is limited research on exercise and bladder cancer, it is important to note that the results of the study showed that those who exercised the most had a 13 percent lower risk of bladder cancer. The JAMA study is empowering because it provides further ammunition as to the importance of exercise for additional types of cancers.
Studies suggest that exercise is safe and helpful for many people who are suffering from cancer and may lower the risk of some cancers. Other health benefits of exercise are weight control, cardiovascular health, increased bone density, and decreased fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression. Exercise can improve range of motion, improve endurance, and decrease the risk of lymphedema.
Exercise helps to control obesity, which is positively correlated with several cancers. Studies have shown that weight gain increases the risk of cancer and the risk of recurrence during and after treatment. Since exercise is a crucial component of weight control which effects cancer risk, exercise needs to be considered as part of the treatment plan.
It has been observed that exercise can improve outcomes for those with bladder cancer. Research conducted by J. Vallance suggests that strength training and aerobic exercise can improve psychological and physical issues for those with bladder cancer and increases the chance of survival.
In May of 2007, “Associations between Exercise and Quality of Life in Bladder Cancer Survivors: A Population-Based Study” by Kristina H. Karvinen et al was published in Cancer Epidemiology and Biomarkers. The authors examined the association between exercise and quality of life in a sample of 525 bladder cancer survivors. They found exercise to be negatively associated with several aspects of fatigue. The study also suggested that active bladder cancer survivors have improved mood and energy and quality of life.
In 2016, “Lifestyle factors and health-related quality of life in bladder cancer survivors: a systematic review” by Gopalakrishna, reviewed the literature on the associations between lifestyle factors and quality of life in bladder cancer survivors. Their conclusion was that there is some evidence for a positive association between quality of life and physical activity.
Kellogg Parsons, MD, an associate professor of Surgery at the University of California, San Diego, discusses modifiable lifestyle factors associated with bladder cancer on Parsons and his team found that participants who had any amount of physical activity had improved survivorship compared to those with no physical activity.
A recent study in by Cannioto et al in Cancer Epidemiology reports an association between living a life with little to no recreational physical activity and an increased risk for bladder cancer. The study suggests a connection between being inactive and increased risk of cancer.
In summary, we know that physical activity reduces the risk of numerous diseases. Now we have additional evidence, that it may also reduce the risk of bladder cancer.
The sooner the patient starts to exercise the better. Starting before surgery and treatments and continuing during treatment can lead to a better recovery with less complications and medications.
Survivorship can serve as a strong motivator to make positive lifestyle changes. Everyone’s situation is unique. Accordingly, exercise needs to be tailored to individual people, taking into account their overall fitness, diagnosis, and other factors that could affect safety.
Regular physical activity can help rebuild a patient’s strength and energy level and help manage other health related issues. Health issues like diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death in cancer survivors and those without cancer. Managing health related issues through exercise could increase survival.
Some cancers and cancer treatments may result in incontinence. A side effect of biologic treatment may include irritation of the bladder, an urgent need to urinate, frequent urination, or incontinence.
Incontinence can occur in men or women with bladder cancer and last for a short time or longer. There are different types of incontinence, ranging from mild to severe. Some examples are: stress incontinence can cause a person to leak urine during activities such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising, urge incontinence is a sudden, urgent need to urinate and continuous incontinence is not being able to control the bladder at all.
Kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to control urine flow. The pelvic floor muscles are comprised of the bladder, sphincter and the pubococcyges muscle. These muscles are used to stop the flow of urine. You can find your pelvic floor muscles by squeezing your sphincter and contracting the urethra to stop the flow of urine when using the bathroom.
Exercise can help control incontinence without medication or surgery. It is wise to start Kegel exercises before surgery and treatments and to work with a pelvic floor specialist.
Perform the Kegel 10 times holding for 5 seconds each. Try to do this four times per day. Take a 5-second break between each repetition. It may take several weeks or months to be able to contract your muscles for 5 seconds at a time, or to repeat it 10 times. If you perform the Kegel several times per day, your pelvic floor strength should improve.
Part 2 will focus on thyroid cancer. Contact me at caroljmichaels@gmail or go to or to find out about cancer exercise programs in New Jersey and cancer continuing education courses.
Carol J. Michaels is the founder and creator of Recovery Fitness® LLC, located in Short Hills, New Jersey. Her programs are designed to help cancer survivors in recovery through exercise programs. Carol, an award winning fitness and exercise specialist, has over 17 years of experience as a fitness professional and as a cancer exercise specialist.
Steven C. Moore PhD, et al, Association of Leisure-Time Physical Activity With Risk of 26 Types of Cancer in 1.44 Million Adults JAMA Intern Med. 2016; 176(6): 816-825.
Lynch B.M., Dunstan D.W., Vallance J.K., Owen N. Don’t take cancer sitting down: A new survivorship research agenda. Cancer. 2013, Jun 1; 119(11): 1928-35 Medicine
Kristina H. Karvinen, Kerry S. Courneya, Scott North and PeterVenner, Associations between Exercise and Quality of Life in Bladder Cancer Survivors: A Population-Based Study, Cancer Epidemiology and Biomarkers Prevention May 2007, 10.1158/1055-9965
Gopalakrishna et al, Lifestyle factors and health-related quality of life in bladder cancer survivors: a systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 2016 (5): 874-82
Vallance, J., Spark, L., & Eakin, E.. Exercise behavior, motivation, and maintenance among cancer survivors. In Exercise, Energy Balance, and Cancer (2013) (pp. 215-231). Springer
Cannioto et al. The association of lifetime physical inactivity with bladder and renal cancer risk: A hospital-based case-control analysis, Cancer Epidemiology, Volume 49 August 2017
Cramp F, Byron-Daniel J. Exercise for the management of cancer-related fatigue in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012; 14(11): CD006145.
Booth FW, et al., Lack of exercise is a major cause of chronic diseases. Compr Physiol. 2012 Apr; 2(2): 1143-211.
Stephanie Cash et al, Recreational physical activity and risk of papillary thyroid cancer among women in the California Teachers Study. Cancer Epidemiology, Feb 2013,37(1): 46-53
Hwang, Yunji MS; Lee, Kyu Eun MD, PhD; Park, Young Joo
MD, PhD; et al, Annual Average Changes in Adult Obesity as a Risk Factor for Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Large-Scale Case-Control Study, Medicine, March 2016, Mar; 95(9): e2893
Cao Y, Ma J. Body mass index, prostate cancer-specific mortality, and biochemical recurrence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2011; 4: 486-501.
Galvao, et al. Combined resistance and aerobic exercise program reverses muscle loss in men undergoing androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer without bone metastases: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jan 10; 28(2): 340-7.
Galvao, et al. Exercise can prevent and even reverse adverse effects of androgen suppression treatment in men with prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2007; 10(4):340-6.
Winters-Stone KM, et al. Resistance training reduces disability in prostate cancer survivors on androgen deprivation therapy: evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Jan; 96(1): 7-14.
Giovannucci EL, Liu Y, Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC. A prospective study of physical activity and incident and fatal prostate cancer. Arch Intern Med. 2005; 165: 1005-1010.
Storer TW, Miciek R, Travison TG. Muscle function, physical performance and body composition changes in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy. Asian J Androl. 2012, Mar; 14(2): 204-21.
Focht, Brian C.; Lucas, Alexander R.; Grainger, Elizabeth; Simpson, Christina; Fairman, Ciaran M.; Thomas-Ahner, Jennifer; Clinton, Steven K., Effects of a Combined Exercise and Dietary Intervention on Mobility Performance in Prostate Cancer, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. May 2016:48(5S): 51
In a world that has been bombarded with a barrage of sugary and processed food, it seems as if we have become hard wired to crave refined sugar over the alternatively more healthy foods. From the time I was a little girl, I remember scaling the counters in my mother’s kitchen as if magnetically drawn to the tin of cookies she kept hidden and out of sight. In a way, sugar does have a sense of power over us. Like a drug, it stimulates the release of dopamine in your brain which causes you to feel pleasure. Like everyone else with an insatiable sweet tooth, no matter how many candy bars, scones, or scoops of ice cream I’ve consumed over the years, the only thing that sugar has done for me (other than making me feel bad soon after I eat it) is leave me craving more. It wasn’t until my physical last year, when my doctor voiced his concern about my rising weight and blood sugar, that I decided to kick my sugar addiction to the curb for good. Surprisingly, the journey to less sugar and better health wasn’t nearly as difficult as I had imagined. The increased energy, weight loss, and overall health I gained far outweighed the loss of the sugary laden treats I said goodbye to.
After receiving what I felt to be an equivalent of a D- at my physical, I began researching ways that I could get rid of my sugar addiction in earnest. What I came across time and time again were the recommendations to substitute the empty sugary calories with nutritious whole foods. Apparently when we humans focus on having to give something up, the task becomes much harder. But when we shift our thinking to “What can I have?” or “What new things can I try?”, we don’t feel as deprived. I emptied my kitchen of every piece of junk food that it contained because if I was going to replace the empty calories with nutritious food, I needed to get the junk out of my house to make room for the good stuff and to ensure that I wouldn’t be tempted to grab it later during a weak moment for example when I felt lonely.
Once finished with my kitchen makeover, I perused many health food blogs and accumulated healthy, clean recipes. In this day and age there is no shortage of delicious, filling meals that are made entirely from nutritious ingredients. When I came across blogs that offered recipes for desserts that were actually good for you, I was sold. Who knew that you can make cookie dough from nothing but fruits and nuts? I became excited about this new journey that I was embarking upon and composed a detailed grocery list of all the items I needed for my meals each week. Even with my firm resolve to make this work, I knew that the grocery store would be one big temptation if I allowed it to be, so I made sure my list was complete and vowed not to veer away from it. I read somewhere in my research that you should be filling your cart with food items from the produce, meat and even frozen section (frozen vegetables and fruits are easy and nutritious) which are usually along the border of the store. So I learned to avoid the aisles in between which boast packaged, processed food full of empty carbohydrates and excess sugar, and now I make sure I only put the healthy, nutrition packed foods in my cart.
The most rewarding part of setting out on my journey to kick my sugar addiction, was realizing that I didn’t have to give up sweet foods altogether. While I had to say goodbye to added sugar, I learned that I could still indulge in the sweetest, most delicious dessert of all – fruit. Isn’t it funny how often when we crave something sweet, we head for the pantry or freezer when there are usually healthier options on the counter right in front of us? I once heard a woman say, “I always forget how good an apple tastes until it’s the only thing left in the house.”
While processed sweets fill you with empty calories, nature’s own dessert offers loads of nutrition with each bite. Containers of fresh fruit such as blueberries and strawberries line the shelves of my refrigerator, already washed and easy to grab. Dried fruit, without the added sugar, is a snack I keep in my purse and in the glove box of my car. Raisins, dried mango, even prunes have become a regular part of my grab and go snack arsenal. I like making sure that I always have a healthy option to turn to when I’m suddenly really hungry or craving something sweet. One of my favorite “treats” when it comes to fruit is experimenting with different kinds of smoothies. The best part about consuming fruit is that you not only satisfy your sweet tooth, you feel good afterwards!
Along with healthy, whole foods, I began taking Chromium daily. The mineral has been proven to prevent blood sugar swings by regulating insulin and blood glucose levels. After reading about a study where 42 overweight women found that supplementing with Chromium led to reduced hunger levels and food intake, I began taking a capsule every day and have been very impressed with the results.
Diabetes, cancer, and weight gain are just a few of the negative side effects of consuming too much refined sugar. While the growing epidemic of excessive sugar consumption in the United States is alarming and disheartening, the good news is that it is actually an easy fix! With a little bit of planning, effort, and willpower, you will find that overcoming your sugar addiction is totally doable. I did it, and so can you!
Sarah Williams is a passionate dating coach passionate about healthy living. She enjoys helping people see the beauty in life and become happy again. You can read some health, relationships and dating advice from Sarah at Wingman Magazine.
It is challenging to try to cover such a broad topic as aging over the decades. Each one of us is different and our lives reflect our own unique choices and belief systems. However, I do feel that sharing my thoughts on how to age well based on my experiences and making some of the suggestions I would make if you were my client is well worth the effort.