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Jodi Chair Dancing

Are People Still Chair Dancing®?

Many years ago in what feels like a land far, far away, my dance career was interrupted by a foot injury which slowed me down but it didn’t stop me.  I was determined to stay active. So began the creation  of, Chair Dancing®. This was over 25 years ago when the term didn’t quite bring to mind what you’re probably thinking about now which leads us to our updated name, Chair Dancing® Fitness and I’m still in business.

I am often asked if there is still a market out there for Chair Dancing® Fitness and after 12 Fitness DVDs, numerous TV appearances and thousands of orders, I am happy to say we are still a viable product. A lot of this is due to the changing demographics – we have people who are living longer and are more active than they used to be. Admittedly, aren’t you more active than your parents and even your grandparents?  I know I am. I can’t tell you how many letters and phone calls I receive from wonderful customers who purchase one of our DVDs then write or call to tell me about their experience.

Ms. C. Lawrence of Middleton, NY wrote me this beautiful handwritten letter to say, “I am so grateful that you took time out to think and design these videos…I attend classes at the senior center but what they don’t know is that I have at least nine of your videos at home from which I can practice at my leisure.”

We are also a nation of people who are bigger than we used to be and that extra weight puts a lot of pressure on those joints yet we still want (and must) stay active. We have helped many start and continue their exercise journey as they battle food and weight loss goals. Some of our customers are those who are turning to bariatric surgery for extra help and our videos give them an entry-level exercise opportunity they can comfortably do at their current size and continue as their fat melts away.

There are customers who, like me, were injured and still want to stay active but need to sit from time to time. Those with arthritis, fibromyalgia or other health issues want to continue their exercise but may need to be seated during some part of their exercise. So, on your seat or on your feet, our programs still work for many people who want an indoor exercise solution that they can do anytime anywhere.

I still chair dance with people all over the country of all shapes, sizes and ages using Chair Dancing® Fitness. My personal and professional goal is to give the gift of better health and fitness; when I hear people use the word FUN in the same sentence as exercise I am filled with gratitude.

Thank you Ms. M. Melnickon of Nebraska who recently share in a 5 star review, “She sure does make exercise fun…”

When inclement weather has people indoors, we offer an entertaining exercise solution and way to get the blood pumping.

Ms. Joan from Pennsylvania said with 10 degree weather she is so very happy to stay indoors and exercise with us. She now happily has six of our 12 DVDs!

Thank you for continuing our mission to provide fitness fun for all. Share a DVD video with a friend, try our slimbell weights, or try a new DVD using the code at our site, www.chairdancingfitness.com. Use code CDForMe25off and get 25% off of your order or sample a snippet of one of our videos from our website.

Jodi Stolove is the CEO and creator of Chair Dancing® Fitness Jodi Stolove is the CEO and writes of her fitness and life adventures. Email her directly at, jodi@chairdancing.com.

Senior Woman Holding Fitness Sign With Family In Background

3 Benefits of Exercise for Seniors

It’s no secret that seniors tend to fall into the trap of a sedentary lifestyle. This happens because most of them are disillusioned with the direction their well-being is headed towards. Nevertheless, getting back on your feet has incredible benefits on that front. Contrary to popular belief, it’s never too late to start exercising again.

When you pass a certain point in life, sedentarism almost becomes a given. Few people actually keep being active once they retire because they believe the resting promotes good health. However, that’s only half true. While it’s important to relax and recover, it’s also equally essential to stay fit.

Therefore, a steady exercise routine should be kept up even when you’re well into your sixties, seventies, eighties and so on. Here are the three most important reasons why seniors should work out at least 30 minutes a day.

1. Disease Prevention

When it comes to senior exercise, misconceptions run amok. The most common myth surrounding the concept is that taking up a workout routine later in life is pointless. Many people over the age of 60 think that there’s no point in trying to prolong their lifespan after they’ve passed a certain point. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, plenty of illnesses characteristic to old age can be prevented through regular physical activity. These include heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and arthritis, to name but a few. And even if you’re already struggling with one of them, exercising still helps by alleviating many of their unpleasant symptoms.

In the case of cardiovascular health, such a routine regulates blood pressure and promotes circulations. This means that your body becomes a lot more efficient in this department. As for type 2 diabetes, being active also keeps blood sugar levels at bay, which is beneficial. Last, but certainly not least, bone and joint wellness are also a positive outcome.

As little as 30 minutes of exercise each day makes for a better musculoskeletal system, which in turn means less risk of developing osteoporosis or arthritis. But if you already have one or the other, much of the pain caused by these conditions can be relieved by a mild workout. Although it might feel difficult at first, soon enough visible recuperation will follow.

2. Improved Mobility

As you grow older, the musculoskeletal system weakens and decays. While this might not always lead to the aforementioned conditions of osteoporosis and arthritis, it will trigger a loss of mobility at some point during your life. Fortunately, adopting a regular exercise routine is an excellent way to counterattack.

Working out increases bone density and range of motion, thus promoting better health in this department. Furthermore, it also helps restore balance and strength to the body, meaning that you will be less prone to collapsing than in the past. As for your muscles, stretching does an outstanding job in keeping them flexible and impeding wasting and shortening.

If you’re over the age of 60, chances are you’ve been experiencing a decrease in your coordination abilities. While this is something that is seen as a natural consequence of aging, it is actually more of a side effect of sedentarism than anything else. And guess what is useful in resolving it? Yes, you’ve guessed it, physical activity.

And on top of that, it’s also a worthy ally in sorting out issues with posture. You don’t have to become the canonically ridiculed image of the hunched down old man or woman when you’re elderly. Many workouts do an excellent job of rearranging the spine properly.

3. Better Mental Health

Last, but certainly not least, a sustained regimen of physical activity works wonders for mental health. It’s no secret that, as you age, you tend to lose much of the sharpness of mind you use to possess in your youth. Your memory becomes worse and worse, and this creates a gateway for neurogenerative disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Exercising doesn’t only prevent them, but it also boosts mood. It’s a natural source of endorphins, fueling your body with enough of the happiness hormones to last you for a good while. By replenishing your reserves, anxiety and depression will also be kept under control, and sadness will become a thing of the past.

Furthermore, regaining your strength and being more capable of handling yourself in day to day life will be a great confidence boost. Good self-esteem is essential to mental health, but many of us tend to forget about that as we age. Fortunately, exercising is an easy way to regain it.

And while we’re on the chapter of mental health, it’s also worth noting that working out adjusts your sleep cycle. If you’ve been struggling with fatigue and insomnia, taking up jogging or even brisk walking can correct that. Not only will you fall asleep faster, but the slumber will be of a better quality and you will wake up feeling rested and refreshed.

Final Thoughts

A regular exercise routine prevents diseases that are specific to aging, improves mental health and provides those who adopt it with better mobility overall. Therefore, if you’re past a certain point in your life, you might want to consider it. Positive results will become visible in no time at all.

Luke S. Mitchell is an MS Undergraduate in Sports Journalism and manager of ExerciseBikesExpert. He is interested not only in the mind-body relationship and how motivation shapes our bodies, but also in how we draw energy just from one simple yet powerful thought. You can find him on Facebook and Twitter.


Eating for Endurance

What’s the best way to fuel for the Boston Marathon?

Should I eat a high fat diet to train my body to burn more fat and less glucose?   

What percent of calories should come from carbohydrate? protein? fat?

When it comes to eating for endurance, today’s athletes are confronted with two opposing views:

  • Eat a traditional carbohydrate-based sports diet, or
  • Eat a fat-based diet that severely limits carbohydrate intake.

What should an eager marathoner, Ironman triathlete, or other endurance athlete eat to perform better? Here’s what you want to know about eating for endurance, based on  the Joint Position Statement on Nutrition for Athletic Performance from the American College of Sports Medicine, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietietics, and Dietitians of Canada.

1. Eat enough calories.

Most athletes need ~21 calories per pound (45 cal/kg) of lean body mass (LBM). That means, if you weigh 150 pounds and have 10% body fat, your LBM is 135 pounds and you require about 2,800 calories a day. That said, energy needs vary from person to person, depending on how fidgety you are, how much you sit in front of a computer, how much muscle you have, etc.. Hence, your body is actually your best calorie counter—more accurate than any formula or app!

If you are eat intuitively—that is, you eat when you feel hunger and stop when feel content, you are likely eating enough. If you find yourself stopping eating just because you think you should, if you are feeling hungry all the time and are losing weight, you want to eat larger portions. Underfueling is a needless way to hurt your performance.

If you can’t tell when enough food is enough, wait 10 to 20 minutes after eating and then, mindfully ask yourself “Does my body need more fuel?” Athletes who routinely stop eating just because they have finished their packet of oatmeal (or other pre-portioned allotment) can easily be under-fueled. Even dieting athletes want to surround their workouts with fuel. Their plan should be to eat enough during the day to fuel-up and refule from workouts, and then eat just a little bit less at the end of the day, to lose weight when they are sleeping.

2. Eat enough carbohydrates.

According to the Position Statement on Nutrition for Athletic Performance, the optimal amount of carbohydrate on a day with one hour of training is 5 to 7 grams carb/kg. On high volume days, you need about 6 to 12 g carb/kg body weight. For a 150-pound (68 kg) athlete, this comes to about 350 to 800 grams carb a day—the equivalent of about one to two (1-lb) boxes of uncooked pasta (1,400 to 3,200 calories). That’s more than many of today’s (carb-phobic) athletes consume. You want to make grains the foundation of each meal : choose more oatmeal for breakfast; more sandwiches at lunch; and more rice at dinner to get three times more calories from carbs than from protein. Otherwise, you set the stage for needless fatigue.

3. Eat adequate­—but not excess—protein.

Protein needs for athletes range from 1.4 g/kg (for mature athletes) to 2.0 g protein/kg (for athletes building muscle or dieting to lose fat). For a 150-pound (68 kg) athlete, protein needs come to about 95 to 135 grams protein per day, or 25 to 35 grams protein four times a day. That means 3 eggs at breakfast (with the bowl of oatmeal), a hearty sandwich at lunch, portion of lean meat/fish/chicken at dinner, and cottage cheese (with fruit) for an afternoon or bedtime snack.

For vegetarians, generous servings of beans, hummus, nuts and tofu at every meal can do the job; a light sprinkling of beans on a lunchtime salad will not. By consuming protein every 3 to 5 hours, you will optimize muscle building and deter muscle breakdown.

4. Fill in the calorie-gap with fat.

Include in each meal and snack some health-promoting, anti-inflammatory fat: nuts, salmon, peanut butter, avocado, olive oil, etc.. Fat adds flavor, offers satiety, and is a source of fuel for endurance exercise. Training your muscles to burn more fat for fuel happens when you do long, steady “fat burning” exercise. By burning more fat, you burn less of the limited carbohydrate (muscle glycogen, blood glucose) stores. You will have greater endurance and avoid or delay hitting the wall.

A (tougher) way to train your body to burn more fat is to severely limit your carbohydrate intake and push your fat intake to 70% of your calories. That could be 1,800 calories (185 g) of fat per day. This very high fat diet produces ketones and forces the body to burn ketones for fuel. Keto-athletes endure a tough, 3 to 4 week adaptation period as their bodies transition to burning fat, not glucose, for fuel. While some keto-athletes rave about how great they feel when in ketosis, the sports nutrition literature, to date, reports little or no performance benefits from a ketogenic sports diet.  It might nix sugar binges, but it’s unlikely to make you a better athlete.

5. Drink enough fluids.

A simple way to determine if you are drinking enough fluid is to monitor your urine. You should be voiding dilute, light colored urine every 2 to 4 hours. (Exception: athletes who take vitamin supplements tend to have dark colored urine.) You want to learn your sweat rate, so you can strategize how to prevent dehydration. Weigh yourself nude before and after one hour of race-pace exercise, during which you drink nothing. A one-pound drop pre- to post-exercise equates to 16 ounces of sweat loss. Losing two pounds of sweat in an hour equates to 32 ounces (1 quart). To prevent that loss, you should target drinking 8 ounces of water or sports drink every 15 minutes. Athletes who pre-plan their fluid intake tend to hydrate better than those who “wing it.”

6. Consume enough calories during extended exercise.

If you will be exercising for longer than 60 to 90 minutes, you want to target 40 to 80 calories (10 to 20 g) of carbohydrate every 20 minutes (120 to 240 calories per hour), starting after the first hour (which gets fueled by your pre-exercise food). If you are an Ironman triathlete, long distance cyclist or ultra-athlete who exercises for more than three hours, you want to target up to 360 calories per hour. The key is to practice event-day fueling during the months that lead up to the event. By training your gut to tolerate the fuel, you’ll be able to enjoy the event without fretting about running out of energy.

The bottom line:

If you are going to train, you might as well get the most out of your workouts. Performance improves with a good fueling plan. Eat wisely and enjoy your high energy!

Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD (Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics) counsels both casual and competitive athletes at her office in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). Her best selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook and food guides for marathoners, cyclists and soccer players offer additional information. They are available at www.NancyClarkRD.com. For her popular online workshop, see www.NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com.


Thomas, T at el. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. J Academy of Nutri and Dietetics. 2016; 116 (3):501-28


Proven and Tested Tips to Run Safely with Diabetes

According to statistics, in 2014, 8.5% of adults above 18 years old had diabetes. Sadly, the disease is also affecting the youths below the age of 20. Basically, what this means is the chances of getting the disease are becoming higher for everyone. Eating healthy and maintaining a good exercise routine are often thought of as preventive measures but the truth is they can work wonders even if you have been diagnosed.

In this article, we will discuss some simple tips on how you can run safely with diabetes.  There is no reason for you to quit running just because you have the condition. In fact, being able to lose weight with running can contribute to your general health.

You simply have to take a few more things into consideration before you hit the road. First off, you need to understand the needs of your body depending on the type of diabetes you have.

Running With Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is basically when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and the sufferer requires daily insulin injections. The condition is not curable and symptoms include excessive urine, constant hunger, thirst, weight loss, and fatigue.

Those suffering from type 1 diabetes face the risk of getting fatigued after extended periods of running. You will need to constantly monitor your sugar levels during the run and make sure they stay normal. This is one of the most important steps you ought to take: understand how your body reacts to exercise and fueling.

Once you understand your body’s reaction, you may opt to use a GU energy gel after every 15 minutes to fuel their runs. However, before making any decisions, consult your physician and get their advice first. When it comes to fueling, runners generally require 30-60 grams of carbohydrates every hour but this depends on your insulin levels.

Preventing Low Insulin Levels

Type 1 diabetes sufferers need to always remember that the blood glucose response to exercise will vary depending on these factors:

  • The level of your blood sugar before the run
  • The intensity or duration of the run
  • The changes in your insulin intake

Basically, through trial and error, you will be able to come up with a system of insulin intake and fueling that works for you.

Running With Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and happens when your body does not properly use insulin-making your body “insulin resistant”.  Initially, your pancreas produces extra insulin but in time it isn’t enough to keep your sugar levels normal.

The symptoms are very similar to Type 1 diabetes and include weight loss, increased thirst, and frequent urination, fatigue, blurred vision and slow healing sores.

The benefit of running even with diabetes Type 2 is that, your muscles use glucose during exercise which means your glucose levels go down. There are also many long-term benefits of running with Type 2 diabetes such as lowered risk of heart problems.

Like Type 1 diabetes, you will need to constantly monitor your blood glucose levels during exercise and fuel accordingly. The same suggestions provided for Type 1 Diabetes can be applied to Type 2 diabetes.

General Tips for Running with Diabetes

Whichever Type of diabetes you are diagnosed with, there are some general rules you can follow to make sure you are safe during your runs. Of course, consulting your physician should always be on top of the list, after you do this, remember these five tips:

1.  Ease into running

This is true even if you have been running for a long time in the past. Remember that your body is different now and you need to understand it all over again. Instead of running a sprint immediately, gradually ease into it. Try walking for an hour, then upgrade to a brisk walk, then combine walking and jogging and finally try a short run.

2. Engage in Strength Training Exercises

According to one study, increased muscle mass attained as a result of strength training can contribute to blood glucose absorption thereby lowering the levels in the blood. This, in turn, can increase insulin sensitivity. You don’t have to go to the gym to lift weights but even workouts such as squats, push-ups, and lunges that use your own body weight can be done at home.

3. Have a Running Buddy

This is another great aid to running with diabetes safely. Find a running buddy who knows your condition and knows what to do if your blood sugar gets too low. Another option is to carry an identification tag with you that says that you have diabetes.

4. Wear the right footwear

Although this applies to everyone who runs, it is more serious if you have diabetes. Wearing the wrong kind of footwear could lead to getting foot ulcers. With diabetes, even the slightest blister could take a long time to heal and lead to many more complications such as gangrene.

When purchasing footwear, take into consideration the shape of your foot and whether you have foot deformities such as bunions. If you do have any kind of foot deformity, you might need special inserts or specially made therapeutic shoes.

5.  Keep yourself hydrated

A lack of water can greatly affect blood sugar levels so before you run, make sure you are fully hydrated and continue to hydrate during your run.


Running with diabetes is possible. You just have a checklist that is a little longer and a body that has different needs. Don’t let diabetes be the end of your running career! Remember that there are thousands of runners who continue to run marathons with the condition and you can do the same.

Amber Irwin is a running and sports writer; she loves to share her passion with fellow outdoor lovers. Amber believes running is an amazing sport for everyone and hopes to inspire others. Visit her website, everyfirststep.com










Tips for Exercising With Multiple Sclerosis

Exercise and stretching are very important for someone who has Multiple Sclerosis. Each individual, however, is different and exercises need to be tailored specifically to that person. The exercises that are chosen depend on the progression of the disease, what the individual is capable of doing, and even the day. Exercises may have to be changed if the client is too tired or is feeling stronger and has more energy.

What exactly causes Multiple Sclerosis is not known but there are symptoms to look out for. The symptoms are fatigue, walking difficulties, vision problems, spasticity or stiffness, weakness, bladder problems, depression, dizziness or vertigo, emotional changes, cognitive changes, pain, headaches, tremors and breathing problems. Exercise prescriptions need to be planned according to the symptoms that are being presented. Each time you work with your trainer talk to them about how you feel that day. This will help to ensure that you don’t overdo a workout.

Many times, we hear the saying no pain, no gain. Please keep in mind that this is not true for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. You want the workout to feel challenging but it is important not to overheat. If you feel warm, simply take a break and continue when you feel that you have cooled down. Individuals in wheelchairs benefit from exercise as well. I would like to share an example of a client of mine.

My client, Sally, (the name has been changed) was a client of mine for 4 years. She is in a wheelchair and had no leg movement and minimal arm movement. Through exercise she is almost able to feed herself and I have her doing simple leg movements. I cannot see any leg movement but she can feel it. She reports that her muscles are sore when we are finished. The important thing is to just move.

It is important to start an exercise program slowly and to set goals. If you would like to get to 20 minutes of activity maybe start with 10. Do not assess how well you are doing by comparing yourself to others. Look for progress in yourself through reaching personal goals as in the example of my client.

As an individual with Multiple Sclerosis starts exercising they may have less depression, improved strength, better bladder and bowel function, a positive attitude and be better able to participate in social activities. Please remember that it is important to share any symptom changes with your trainer. The exercises may have to be adjusted frequently for a safe and effective workout.

Robyn Caruso is the Founder of The Stress Management Institute for Health and Fitness Professionals. She has 15 years of experience in medical based fitness.


Healthy Lifestyle

Why Is Today’s Society So Unhealthy?

As we look back, our ancestors never worried about their thyroid, gut, heart disease, cancer or any of the issues that are top of mind today. So why are they popping up everywhere? It all comes down to they simply ate real food. Seasonal fruits & vegetables, grains, eggs and dairy. They avoided fake foods, such as crackers, cookies and frosted cereals.

In reality, half of Americans are over indulging and the other half are on a diet. So, why are we not taking care of ourselves? Why are we overweight, ill and struggling every day? The news changes our health regimen daily. One day, we’re told to cut out carbohydrates, then the next, cut out fat or reduce the amount of daily protein. I can see why, as a society, we are confused and just let go. Our lives are busy and the average consumer doesn’t have time to research what’s good and bad for them. Looking back, our ancestors got their nutrition through killing large mammals and picking fruits and nuts. Studies have shown that our body is better acquainted with consuming meat and natural sugars and has a hard time digesting fiber. Therefore, not obtaining the protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber or any other nutrients that we need to maintain our bodies at optimal levels.

We are no longer growing our own food, but obtaining our meals through the drive-thru because of convenience and time. Let’s put it this way: our bodies can’t breakdown large amounts of vegetable oil and our bodies were not meant to sit all day. I remember growing up thinking, “when do we actually get a break?” When you live a life of a farmer, there is no downtime. It seemed from the moment I got off the bus until it was time to go to bed, I was on my feet. We didn’t have computer games, smart phones and only had a couple channels to watch on TV — which seemed like all there was to watch was news or cooking shows!

So, what is the root of such a growing concern? It’s simply poor lifestyle choices…. We overindulge, choose the wrong foods, we’re less active, and let stress and anxiety take over our lives. What can we do today to take action on our health?

Tips to Maintain a Simple Healthy Action Plan

ABM – Always be moving. Keep physically active, whether it’s getting away from the office chair for a walk downstairs or going outside during lunch to gain some much needed sunlight. Just doing stretches can get the blood flowing and revive that inner energy to regain focus. Strive for 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 days a week. Find an exercise you enjoy so you’ll maintain a regimen

Get cooking. Be creative in the kitchen and make your own meals at home. This way you incorporate the ingredients and you stay healthier. Plus it’s fun, gets you on your feet and a great family activity.

Choosing the right foods. Always shop around the outside perimeter of the store, as this is where you’ll find the wholesome goodness of fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and unprocessed, preservative-free foods. Keep in mind that dietary guidelines have changed to where half our plate should be filled with fruit and vegetables. Plus, you never have a label to investigate prior to purchasing as there is only one ingredient. Keep in mind, to benefit from satiety, wait 20 minutes after your meal to cue into your hunger levels.

All in moderation. Keep a balance in your daily regimen. There will be days when life happens and you can’t maintain the My Plate routine along with the daily exercise plan. That’s OK. Keep yourself in check knowing you’ll get back on the wagon tomorrow. Life is all about things coming at you when you least expect it. That’s why you have a backup plan to slide the goal to the next day and never overwhelm yourself with anything, especially something that is out of your hands. This will, in turn, help alleviate the stress and anxiety that you get if you’re a perfectionist. I’m one to always have everything in check, but I’m realistic and know there will be surprises, so let yourself go if everything doesn’t fall into place.

Live a simple life. Sometimes going off the grid isn’t a bad thing. One thing I’ve learned is to not let social media rule our lives. It can consume our time, lead to insecurity, stress and anxiety. Limit your time on electronics and spend quality time with family and friends. Take time to eat at the dinner table while discussing how the day went or what’s new in your lives. It seems we get so wrapped up in what others are doing, thinking, feeling and finding out what’s going on with our family and friends through a Facebook post. Remember, you’re not living their life and they aren’t living yours, so take care of yourself first! Otherwise, you can’t be there to help others.

Meditation. It may seem silly at first, or make you feel out of place, but studies have proven the effectiveness of certain breathing methods and poses that will relax you and alleviate some of that stress from your day. Try sitting by yourself for 10 minutes and just take a breath in. Breathe through your nose to let go of all the chaos that may have happened throughout the day. You can also incorporate yoga, which aids in the meditation process.

Let’s not forget sleep! Strive for 6-8 hours. Remember, your body is like a machine, you need to keep it oiled and in tip-top shape for it to run at it’s best. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re causing oxidative damage, which causes your cells and DNA to build up, reducing our longevity.

Laugh. Amazingly enough. if you laugh for 10-15 minutes per day, you can burn up to 40 calories! So why aren’t you laughing?! It helps release endorphins to help you feel relaxed. Spend time with family and friends to gain the much needed benefit of humor and in-person social interaction.

In summary, living longer depends on how we react, what we choose to do, and how we live. Revive yourself from the inside with wiser food choices, letting go of the things beyond your control, and finding ways to alleviate stress in our lives. All you have to do is remind yourself of the simple life that our grandparents lived and how much of a difference it made in longevity and happiness.

As always consult your health professional. I hope this article finds you in good health.

Connie Stoltz-McDonald is an Integrative Nutrition-Certified Health Coach, CPT, Wellness Educator, Blogger and Author. From her passion for writing, she is excited to announce her first book release titled “Healthy Lifestyle- The inside secrets to transforming your body and health.” If you’d like to get a copy, you can connect with her at her website, www.lifestylehealthmentor.comFacebookTwitterLinkedIn, or Instagram.


Walk Park

Essential Exercise Hints and Tips

People usually exercise for two reasons: to stay fit and healthy, or to trim excess fat and reach their physique goals. Either way, there are many other health benefits that go hand in hand with working out.

The US Department of Health and Human Services reported that on a national scale, the average percentage of people who exercise regularly is only 51.6%. 150 minutes of moderately intense aerobic activity is recommended, however, to minimize your risk of certain diseases like cardiovascular problems, hypertension, colon and breast cancer, and diabetes mellitus.

And for older adults, doing exercise lowers the likelihood of suffering from dementia by about 30% and hip fracture by 68%.

Types of Exercise

If you have any condition that might affect or hinder you from performing certain physical activities, it’s best to consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Strength Training

Strength training helps tone your muscles, increase bone density, improve balance, posture and coordination, reduce stress in your joints, and increase muscle mass. These routines are built around the concept of working against resistance. It makes use of free weights, resistance bands, and weight machines while incorporating moves such as squats, lunges, and push-ups.

Aerobic Exercises

These workouts speed up your breathing and heart rate as well as strengthen and improve the condition of your heart and lungs. On top of that, doing aerobic exercises also build your endurance in the long run. Some examples include jogging, dancing, running, swimming, biking, and brisk walking.

Flexibility Exercises

Especially for older adults, being flexible and having a full range of motion can reduce the risk of injuries to the muscles and joints. Even if you’re still young, it’s still advisable to do stretching exercises before and after every workout to prevent injuries.

Balance Exercises

Improving your balance can help keep you steady and prevent fall-related injuries. A few examples are heel-to-toe walking, standing on one foot for 10 seconds on each side, and walking in a straight line.

Maximize Your Exercise With The Following Tips

Do not exhaust yourself
It’s okay to push yourself, but you should also listen to body cues. Instead of reaping various health benefits from the workout, your body might become too busy repairing all the damage it sustained. It might even lead to an injury, such as muscle strain and shin splints. If you feel pain in your shin, stop your workout and apply ice to the area. Wearing shin compression sleeves is good for injury prevention, but it can also help you recover faster by reducing pain and inflammation. As a rule of thumb, increase your workout intensity gradually.

Cool-down and stretch for 10-20 minutes
This is to relieve muscle tension and facilitate the return of your breathing and heart rate to their resting levels. You can walk in place for a few minutes to regulate your breathing. When stretching, make sure to focus on the muscle groups you used during your workout.

Eat bananas or potatoes
These are good sources of potassium (which aids in muscle recovery) that can replenish the mineral lost during the workout and prevent painful muscle cramps.

Drink at least 8 ounces of water
You need to rehydrate after the workout but no matter how thirsty you are, you need to drink it slowly. Sports drinks are good alternatives, but as much as you can, opt for water.

Don’t forget to rest
Just because you’re determined to bulk up doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend all 7 days of the week working out. Resting for at least one day will help relieve muscle soreness, give your body time to heal, and prepare you for another week of exercise.

Reward yourself the right way
After a grueling and intense routine, you may be tempted to grab a soda or eat those glazed donuts. You should keep in mind that what you eat post-workout can have a positive or negative effect on your body, specifically when it comes to your muscles. Reward yourself by eating something healthy. Protein, vitamin C, and omega-3 are all important in muscle build-up and tissue repair so incorporate these into your diet. This is most crucial 30-45 minutes after your workout.

Get a good massage
A massage can promote circulation, remove stress and stiffness from your muscles, and relax your mind and body.

Ditch the alcohol
Again, this falls under the ‘reward yourself’ mistake. Although alcohol isn’t exactly prohibited, it’s also not recommended to consume a glass or two post-exercise.

Exercise and a balanced diet go hand-in-hand to help you reach your fitness goals. The fact that you already took the first step by exercising is commendable, but remember that your post-workout routine is also crucial!

Joe Fleming is the President at ViveHealth.com. Interested in all things related to living a healthy lifestyle, he enjoys sharing and expressing his passion through writing. Working to motivate others and defeat aging stereotypes, Joe uses his writing to help all people overcome the obstacles of life. Covering topics that range from physical health, wellness, and aging all the way to social, news, and inspirational pieces…the goal is help others “rebel against age”.


Hydration Is Key!

How do you know when you’re dehydrated? How do you keep hydrated? Do you mean drinking water? If so, how much water should we drink? These are all very simple questions to which many do not know the answers. Let’s change that.

Meta Slider - HTML Overlay - pregnant woman holding bottle of waterWhether you exercise or not, hydration is still an important factor in everyday life.  Our body is an intricate matrix of systems that work together so we can function properly. If one of those systems is off, it forces the remaining systems to work harder. It’s like riding a bicycle with a poorly lubricated chain. In order for the bike to progress forward, one would have to pedal harder and faster than if the chain was well lubricated.

Our body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue and organ needs water.  Without water our body could not remove waste, metabolize food, lubricate joints, maintain its temperature and transport nutrients. Water makes up more than half of our body weight and is the most important nutrient that it uses.

We lose water every day when we sweat, use the restroom and even when we breathe.  We lose water at an even faster rate than normal during high temperatures, exercise, sickness, vomiting or have diarrhea. When this happens we become dehydrated.

Have you ever felt so thirsty that when you drank water it was the best thing you ever had? That is most likely due to being dehydrated, meaning the body does not have enough water to function properly. Some signs of dehydration include:

  • Extreme thirst
  • Headaches
  • Muscle cramps
  • Darker urine or very little urine
  • Rapid pulse
  • Dry mouth
  • Confusion
  • Sleepiness or fatigue

According to Harris Lieberman, Ph.D, if you go 4 – 8 hours without water you are mildly dehydrated (1.5% drop in body weight) and then severely dehydrated if you go approximately 24 hours without water (3% – 4% drop in body weight). In order to get the body back to its normal state after being dehydrated, we have to go through the process of hydration, i.e.replacing the missing water. This can be done by:

  • Drinking water and other beverages high in water content such as tea, coffee, lemonade, vegetable juice, fruit juice, milk, etc.
  • Eating foods high in water content such as cucumbers, watermelon, green peppers, lettuce, radishes, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, tomatoes, spinach, grapefruit, baby carrots and cantaloupe.
  • Consuming ice chips.

waterBut this still leaves one question unanswered: How much water should we drink? There are a variety of responses, but what I always recommend to my Renov8 Fitness members and clients is to drink half of their body weight in ounces of water everyday.  For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink 70 ounces of water a day.

Increasing water intake abruptly can be a challenge at first. The key is to slowly work your way up to the allotted amount of water each day and eventually your body will compensate. Your body will function properly in everyday life if you stay hydrated!

Reprinted with permission from Renov8 Fitness, LLC. 

Heather Binns is a nationally acclaimed fitness expert, wellness educator, certified personal trainer/coach and best-selling author. She loves fitness and has a passion for high-energy and personal fulfillment, and has spent most of her life devoted to helping others achieve their fitness goals.