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Chocolate and Your Sports Diet

The Chocolate Season is here and I can already feel the tension rising. “Between Halloween and New Year’s Eve, I feel surrounded by chocolate. It’s everywhere!!!” reported a self-proclaimed chocoholic. “I try so hard to not eat it, but I inevitably succumb, and I inevitably gain weight. Thank goodness for January First!!!”  If you share the same love-hate relationship with chocolate, keep reading. And be thankful this so-called “bad food” offers benefits.

The Good News

Chocolate is made from cocoa, a plant. It is a rich source of health-protective phyto (plant) nutrients, just like you’d get from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Two tablespoons of natural cocoa power (the kind used in baking) offers the same antioxidant power as 3/4 cup of blueberries or 1.5 glasses of red wine.

  • Of all the types of chocolate, dark chocolate is the richest source of phytonutrients. Unfortunately, dark chocolate has a slightly bitter taste and most athletes prefer the sweeter milk chocolate (with more sugar and saturated fat).
  • One phytonutrient in cocoa is nitrate. Nitrate gets converted into nitric oxide, a compound known to increase blood flow and, in high doses, enhance athletic performance.
  • Other types of phytonutrients in cocoa are flavonoids (also found in tea, apples and onions). Epidemiological surveys suggest these favonoids reduce the risk of heart disease in people who regularly consume chocolate.(1)

The Bad News

  • Athletes, like most people, commonly eat chocolate in bursts—a lot in a day, such as a reward on a Friday afternoon, or indulging on Halloween.

Depriving oneself of daily chocolate easily creates urges to binge-eat when given the chance. You know the scenario: “Sunday is my ‘cheat day’— my last chance to eat Chocolate Kisses for the week. I stuff ‘em in!!!” The question arises: Would enjoying two Hershey’s Kisses every day reduce the urge to devour the whole bowl of them at once?

Taking the power away from chocolate

 If you like chocolate too much—to the extent you have trouble stopping eating it once you start, an easy way to take the power away from chocolate (and other sweets) is to eat it more often in appropriate portions. Trying to stay away from it will backfire. Thank about it this way: Do apples have power over you? No. You give yourself permission to eat an apple whenever you want. So why does chocolate have power over you? Because you try to not eat it.

To take the power away from chocolate, enjoy some every day, such as for dessert after lunch or planned into an afternoon snack. By regularly eating chocolate, it will become a commonplace food, just like eggs, apples, or carrots. Give daily chocolate a try?

Note to parents: Denial and deprivation leads to overeating in kids, as well as in adults. Letting your kids enjoy—and self-regulate their intake of—(Halloween) candy is the better path than forbidding them to eat it. Do you really want to be the food police?

Living without Cravings for Chocolate

Some athletes believe they are born with a sweet tooth. Not the case. When the body is hungry (and athletes’ bodies can get very hungry), it craves quick energy, sugar. The solution to sugar cravings is to prevent hunger by eating enough quality-calories earlier in the day. Unfortunately, I meet way to many athletes who believe food is fattening or they have no time to eat. They live with a niggling hunger that can easily explode into a chocolate binge. They are not chocoholics; they are just athletes who have gotten way too hungry.

Fortunately, there are ways to manage sugar cravings.

  1. Prevent hunger by eating more breakfast and lunch.
  2. Plan sweets into your overall healthful daily food plan.

Chocolate cake for breakfast? 

If you would really enjoy eating chocolate as a regular part of your sports diet/weight management program, I suggest you eat chocolate at breakfast. Yes, chocolate cake for breakfast enhances weight loss —at least, according to Daniela Jacubowicz PhD(2). In her research with 193 subjects with obesity (but no diabetes), half ate a 300-calorie protein-based breakfast. The others ate a 600-calorie breakfast that included protein plus dessert, such as chocolate cake.

She instructed both groups to eat the same amount of total calories: 1,400 (for women) and 1,600 (for men). In the first 16 weeks, both groups lost an average of 33 pounds per person. But in the next 16 weeks of the study, the group with the smaller breakfast complied poorly with the diet and regained an average of 22 pounds per person. The dessert-with-breakfast group continued to lose another 15 pounds each. By 32-weeks, they had lost about 40 pounds more than their peers.

Jacubowicz noticed those who had dessert with breakfast had fewer cravings for sweets later in the day for 2 reasons:

  1. By frontloading their calories with the 600-calorie breakfast, they were less hungry and less likely to stray from the diet.
  2. When they satisfied their cravings for sweets/treats in the morning, they were less tempted later in the day.

So what does this research mean for you?

  1. Eat a satisfying breakfast that leaves you feeling content. Do not stop eating breakfast just because you think you should, but rather because you feel satiated.
  2. If you want a treat, such as chocolate, eat it at breakfast as opposed to overindulging at night. Really, is there a health difference between enjoying dessert after breakfast instead of after dinner?
  3. Even on a weight reduction diet, you should eat what you truly want to eat, including chocolate, in an appropriate portion.

The bottom line

By no means is chocolate the key to a healthy sports diet, nor is eating lots of dark chocolate preferable to snacking on apples and bananas. But we can certainly enjoy chocolate as a small part of a well balanced sports diet. Just make sure it does not crowd-out other nutrient dense foods. As always, moderation is the key.

Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD counsels both casual and competitive athletes at her office in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). Her Sports Nutrition Guidebook & food guides for marathoners, new runners and soccer players offer additional information. They are available at nancyclarkrd.com. See NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com for her online sports nutrition workshop.


  1. 1.Buijsse B,Feskens EJKok FJ, Kromhout D. Cocoa intake, blood pressure, and cardiovascular mortality: the Zutphen Elderly Study. Arch Intern Med. 27;166(4):411-7, 2006.
  2. Jakubowicz D, O Froy, J Wainstein, M Boaz. Meal timing and composition influence ghrelin levels, appetite scores and weight loss maintenance in overweight and obese adults.Steroids77(4): 323-331, 2012.


Senior woman with help of physiotherapist

Raising Requirements for the Fitness Industry: The Template for Change Has Arrived!

Fitness industry professionals, educators, and leaders have talked for years about the need for higher standards in the training, preparation, and practice of fitness professionals. Over 15 states over the last 15 years have looked into licensing personal trainers to define their capabilities and qualify their working with the public. In more recent years, there has been an effort to consider fitness an integral part of the healthcare continuum. As part of these discussions, we have sought to have fitness services and in particular, personal training, recognized and recommended by medical professionals; as well as accepted by health insurance companies. However, despite these conversations, very little has changed. A few certification groups spearheaded having NCCA accredit the written exams as the legally defensible standard to work with clients as a Personal Trainer. The issue arose as to why, as a health occupation, we do not do more qualifiers to ensure that fitness leaders are beyond reproach. If we are to achieve the recognition and respect we deserve, we must re-evaluate and raise the standards. Simply stated, we need to match other professions with solid education, training, testing, certification, and continuing education of personal trainers and all fitness professionals.

As with the preparation of most healthcare professionals, one of the most important steps is having a high quality educational program. This helps to ensure that foundational knowledge is acquired and mastered. This cannot be achieved in the “weekend warrior” courses or online test review courses provided as the standard by most personal training programs. Similar to the development of an effective exercise program, a quality education program must follow best practices and specific steps for optimal learning. The World Instructor Training School (W.I.T.S.) follows these standards and has received recognition from the American Council on Education (ACE) for our educational programs. With this recognition, students who complete our educational programs can also receive undergraduate and graduate level college credits.

In addition to the foundational knowledge gained in an educational program, we strongly believe, as with other health occupations, that hands-on training is necessary. It is not enough for personal trainers to just learn from a picture in a book, but must also receive training and practice in performing the requisite skills.   Working with clients, practicing safe exercises, designing exercise programs, and using equipment cannot be effectively taught in a classroom or on a computer.   Unfortunately, this hands-on training component is not included in most personal training courses. W.I.T.S. has historically included hands-on training and practice, in a “real” fitness club setting as a core feature in our certification programs.  W.I.T.S., in our unique partnering relationships with higher learning colleges and universities, focus half of our program on mastering the essential practical skills to individually lead all types of clients safely and effectively.

While quality education and training are essential to the preparation of qualified fitness professionals, we also understand the importance of a valid testing and certification process. Given the hands-on nature of the work personal trainers perform, the testing process must include a practical exam as well as a written exam. W.I.T.S. has emerged as the ONLY personal training certification that has both their written and practical exams accredited by the National Commission For Certifying Agencies (NCCA.) This accreditation is considered the “gold standard” in the credentialing of health professionals. There are many other fitness certifications that have achieved the NCCA recognition, however without an accredited practical skill competency exam. 80% of trainers hired today are out of the business in a year. Employers and clients have less confidence that those who take only a written exam can apply the knowledge and perform the skills of a personal trainer. Building out the infrastructure for this approach started 25 years ago for W.I.T.S. Most certification groups have been around 35 or more years but for some reason have neglected this simple health occupational profession standard like EMT’s, therapists, nurses etc.

Finally, the last but equally important component of developing a qualified personal trainer is the ongoing continuing education activities and requirements. It is not enough to achieve certification, but we must continue to develop and grow our knowledge and skills. We believe this requires more than the “typical” social continuing education activities that involve little more than participating in an hour exercise class at a conference. Where is the assessment tool to verify knowledge and or skills learned post the event? Continuing education courses must also follow best-practices in their development and delivery. To ensure we exceed the highest standard, W.I.T.S. is accredited by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET.) The IACET/ANSI Standard follows strict guidelines in the design, delivery, evaluation, and assessment of continuing education courses, as well as the consistent calculation of CEUs. Fitness professionals and employers can feel confident that if a course is offering IACET CEUs, they will enjoy a quality learning experience and definable assessment to prove they learned and mastered the necessary information to maintain a safe working relationship with the public at large.

It’s time to stop just talking about raising standards in our self regulated fitness industry. The time for serious leadership and change has arrived. Through quality educational programs, effective hands-on training, accredited practical and written certification exams, and rigorous continuing education courses, we can finally elevate the standards in the preparation and practice of personal trainers and gain the acceptance and respect from other healthcare occupations.

For more information, please contact Dr. Amy Hyams at ahyams@witseducation.com

Dr. Amy Hyams has over 25 years experience in continuing education and training. She earned her B.A. in Criminal Justice, her M.S. in Sport and Fitness Club Management, and her doctorate in Higher Education Administration. Amy currently serves as the V.P. of Educational Services for W.I.T.S. In addition, Amy is a Commissioner for the International Association for Continuing Education and Training and an Assessor for the American National Standards Institute.


How to Maintain Physical and Mental Health After Retirement

Did you know that 10,000 Baby Boomers are retiring from their careers every day? This enormous wave of new retirees has been steady as the cohort hits the 65-year-old mark, according to the Pew Research Center and the Social Security Administration. When retiring, it is important for seniors to focus on staying physically and mentally healthy to keep up their quality of life. Seniors not only want to live longer, but they want to age well.


Being physically active is one of the best things seniors can do for their health. Research has shown that just 15 minutes of exercise each day can boost longevity, ward off depression, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, and decrease the risk of chronic illnesses.

Physical activities such as stretching, strength training, balance exercises, and aerobics will build endurance and flexibility. Try to incorporate a routine that includes walking, swimming, or cycling five times a week. Seniors can also participate in exercise classes at local community centers and YMCAs.

If older athletes want to remain competitive, they can train for local marathons or even compete in the National Senior Games.

Speaking of games

Seniors also can engage in games such as Sudoku or crossword puzzles to help sharpen their brains and prevent memory loss. AARP provides a variety of online games and apps for tech-savvy older adults.

Card games and bingo also may build bonds and a little friendly competition with other seniors. Retirees can invite friends over for a monthly game of Bunco.

Furry friendship

Contact with a pet can prevent loneliness and isolation for seniors who may have lost a spouse or have adult children far from home. Walking or playing with a puppy is a great source of exercise and eases the pain of arthritis. Dogs also can protect seniors in their homes. Even the barking of small dogs will deter burglars.

Volunteers can train their pets to become therapy dogs to visit long-term care facilities. Seniors will find joy in interacting with caregivers, as the therapy dogs become great conversation starters. Companionship with a dog is a great mood booster and provides emotional support.

Growing technology

Although many older adults do not adapt to technology as quickly as millennials, there is a movement to create easy-to-use, high-tech products geared toward health and safety. Falls are the leading cause of injury or death for seniors, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, contributing to about 27,000 deaths annually.

Fall-detection wearables that call for assistance have been around since the late ‘80s, but some companies have created more attractive and sleeker devices for seniors. For example, companies have designed smartwatches that can monitor the owner’s heart rate and step count and can call a designated family member if the wearer falls.

“Alexa” the digital assistant built into Amazon’s Echo also can help seniors to set reminders to take medications as well as adjust lights and thermostats in their homes.

These gadgets will alleviate the stress for family members and maintain seniors’ privacy.

Vacations for seniors

Retirees might be out of the workplace, but that doesn’t mean they should stop taking vacations. Seniors have more time and can avoid the crowds in places including the Caribbean, Hawaii, or Alaska.

Older adults also might want to consider vacationing to places that are English-speaking destinations in case they need to request medication or access to a doctor. Look for vacation packages that offer senior discounts.

There are many ways that seniors can maintain their mental and physical health after they retire. Steps seniors can take include exercising, playing games, spending time with a companion animal, and taking vacations.

Henry Moore is the co-creator of FitWellTraveler. The site blends two of his favorite subjects (travel and health) to provide readers with information about how to get the most out of both. He believes travel can change you, and good health preserves you. He combines both in his work on FitWellTraveler.

Fitness Professionals: Which Vertical Market Should You Work In?

The vertical markets in the health, fitness, recreation and leisure industries are extremely diverse. The question “What vertical should I work in” is not a fair question as many of you will work in several verticals early on in your career. Even as your career progresses, you may shift from one vertical to another as your experience level and personal needs change. Having multiple options is a good thing!

Vertical Markets to Consider

Health Clubs

With 50,000 health clubs in the U.S. there are plenty of choices for employment. Within this “vertical” there are numerous sub-categories and options.

Benefits of working for a large chain:

  • More stability compared to an individual club/owner – most often, but not always
  • Health and medical insurance, 401k plans and vacation time is almost always made available to full-time employees. Usually a modest monthly fee is deducted from your paycheck
  • Continuing education is often subsidized
  • Ongoing staff development and training provided
  • Higher wages
  • Growth potential
  • Well-equipped and maintained facilities (most often)
  • Usually HR compliant (most often)

Downside of working for a large chain:

  • A lot of rules and regulations (good and bad)
  • Local and regional management may not always represent the ideals of top management
  • Financially driven, often to meet stockholder’s expectations
  • May be required to work a lot of hours

Non-Profits: Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA’s and JCC’s:

There are thousands of non-profit recreation facilities. Most people are familiar with YMCA’s and JCC’s, but there are many others including the Boy and Girls Clubs, scouting organizations and actual hospital-based medical fitness centers, which we will discuss in another segment.

Non-profits often run like for-profit facilities. The difference is they have a non-profit status, which saves them on tax obligations among other things.

Non-profits offer great facilities with community-based programs that are usually well run. They have a similar management structure as traditional multi-purpose health club facility and almost always have a board of directors made up of community leaders. Their disadvantage sometimes is operating capital. This affects employees as you are often undercapitalized for equipment purchases, repairs, payroll and general supplies. At times, you may have to do a combination of management and front-line duties.

Benefits of working for non-profits:

  • More stability compared to an individual club/owner
  • Health and medical insurance, 401k plans and vacation time is almost always made available to full-time employees. Usually a modest monthly fee deducted from your paycheck
  • Continuing education is often subsidized
  • Ongoing staff development and training provided
  • Competitive wages and compensation plans
  • Growth potential
  • Well-equipped and maintained facilities (not always)
  • Usually HR compliant (most often)
  • Greater opportunity to work with kids and coaching

Downside of working for non-profits:

  • A lot of rules and regulations (good and bad)
  • Always on tight budgets
  • May be required to work a lot of hours
  • Often utilize volunteers in front-line positions

Park and Recreation Departments

Municipal Park and Recreation Departments provide a variety of opportunities in diverse areas: Full-blown health club-like facilities, Outdoor trail systems/workouts, sports leagues, golf course management, tennis court management, aquatics, water parks, community centers and even marinas.

Park and recreation jobs seem to be more stable than conventional fitness jobs. These jobs can be difficult to get based on the community you live in. Programs and facility operations are sometimes affected by politics and government budgets/cuts.

Benefits of working for Park and Recreation Departments:

  • Stability compared to most fitness and recreation jobs
  • Health and medical insurance, 401k plans and vacation time is almost always made available to full-time employees. Usually a modest monthly fee deducted from your paycheck
  • Competitive wages and compensation plans
  • Usually HR compliant
  • Greater opportunity to work with people of all ages

A lot of outdoor and recreation based opportunities

Downside of working for Park and Recreation Departments:

  • Upward mobility may be limited in existing community; may need to relocate to get your “DREAM JOB”.

Medical Fitness

Medical or hospital-based fitness centers are an emerging market. There are close to 1,000 medical fitness centers in the U.S. Fully-integrated health and fitness campuses set the stage for a comprehensive medically integrated environment focused on club members’ total well-being, ranging from day-to-day health maintenance, to sports performance training, to cardiac and physical rehabilitation. Most often they have extensive aquatics offerings. Baby boomers and seniors are big supporters of medical fitness centers as the centers almost always have a hospital system as a partner. If you like working with seniors and enjoy medicine, then this would be a great career avenue to explore. The internal management organization looks very similar to an established upscale health club. Often, you will see more medical personnel with office space within the facility.

Benefits of working for a medical based fitness center:

  • Stability compared to an individual club/owner (most often, but not always)
  • Health and medical insurance, 401k plans and vacation time is almost always made available to full-time employees. Usually a modest monthly fee is deducted from your paycheck
  • Better than average compensation plans
  • Continuing education is often subsidized
  • Ongoing staff development and training provided
  • Growth potential
  • Well-equipped and maintained facilities
  • Usually HR compliant

Downside of working for a medical based fitness center:

  • Limited growth potential
  • Some medical fitness centers are run by management companies, so do your homework. Some management companies are great to work for and some are not.

Personal Training, Specialty Studios and Sports-Specific Training Studios 

Personal Training and Sports Specific-Training Studios are typically smaller and offer more personalized attention than traditional health clubs. One-on-one or small group training has become extremely popular. Customers who patronize these facilities usually don’t care about health club amenities they don’t use, and want to work in a smaller, more personalized setting.

The sports-specific training facilities are great facilities to help athletes get an edge on the competition by maximizing their potential with the exact training protocols based on their season/sport. This type of training also gives young athletes confidence and parents are onboard with supporting their kids in this manner. Employees who work in this environment are usually well educated, have multiple specialized certifications, (not a prerequisite however), and are passionate about working with athletes.

Benefits of working for a personal training/sports specific training site:

  • Continuing education is often subsidized
  • Opportunity to work in a specialized environment and use your degrees/certifications/experience
  • Ongoing staff development and training provided
  • Well-equipped and maintained facilities
  • Flexible, part-time hours generally available

Downside of working for a personal training/sports specific training site:

  • Limited growth potential
  • Benefits may not be available

Private Country Clubs and Master Planned Communities

Country clubs and master planned communities provide a very comfortable work environment. These clubs usually have experienced leadership, full service amenities, excellent benefits and provide an environment with less stress than health clubs. In country clubs, you may even get an employee meal each day or major discounts on food and beverage.

This is an emerging market and it is estimated that over 65% of country clubs now have fitness/aquatics and even spas.

Benefits of working for a country club/master planned community:

  • Stability compared to an individual club
  • Health and medical insurance, 401k plans and vacation time is almost always made available to full-time employees. Usually a modest monthly fee is deducted from your paycheck
  • Better than average compensation plans
  • Continuing education is often subsidized
  • Ongoing staff development and training provided
  • Well-equipped and maintained facilities
  • Usually HR compliant

Downside of working for a country club/master planned community:

  • Members may be more demanding and difficult to work with.
  • Limited growth potential

Some clubs are run by management companies, so do your homework as some management companies are great to work for, and some are very demanding

Corporate Fitness Centers

Corporate fitness centers are great places to work for getting management experience quickly. Major companies contract out with management companies that specialize in running corporate fitness centers. Some corporations may even run their own centers with in-house management and staff.

If you have a degree in the exercise sciences, have group exercise and personal training certifications and 1-2 years of experience, you would be a great candidate for a site manager in a corporate setting. You would manage a small staff of part-timers and you would be doing it all; from scheduling staff to teaching classes and everything in between.

Benefits of working for a corporate fitness center:

  • Gain management experience
  • Diversity in responsibilities
  • Many corporate fitness facilities are Monday-Friday, with no late nights, and/or weekends
  • Excellent healthcare may be available though the company or management company
  • May have growth potential if you are with a good management company

Downside of working for a corporate fitness facility:

  • Salaries may be lower
  • May be busy with limited staff, or really slow with not a lot of activity
  • You wear a lot of hats that sometimes can become overwhelming

Hotels/Resorts/Cruise Ships

Working in the hotel/resort/cruise ship industry has its pluses and minuses. The work environment is typically a beautiful setting. There is a huge number of employees from all over the world, which creates a fun environment. Compensation will vary tremendously with the cruise lines paying the least and expecting the most, regarding the number of hours you work.

Benefits of working for Hotels/Resorts/Cruise Ships

  • Excellent healthcare available though the company or management company
  • May have growth potential if you are with a good management company
  • Employee meals or substantial discounts on food and beverage
  • A lot of employees to meet and have fun with
  • Relocation possibilities to other locations Beautiful facilities/amenities

Staff development and customer service training

Downside of working for Hotels/Resorts/Cruise Ships

  • May be busy with limited staff
  • Very high expectations to satisfy guests

Senior Living Centers

With the baby boomer population becoming the largest segment of the population, senior living facilities will be employing a variety of fitness and recreation staff for decades to come. There are large regional and national companies that manage facilities across the U.S.

The important thing to consider if considering working in this environment is do you like working with seniors? Have you had much interaction in your past with the aging population? Possibly with grandparents, neighbors, friends of the family or in previous jobs? If you think you are interested in working with seniors you may consider working part-time hours if available to test the waters.

A position in a senior facility may involve running fitness classes, managing group exercise/aquatic instructors and even planning a lot of fun activities and trips.

Benefits of working in senior living facilities:

  • Excellent healthcare available though the company or management company
  • May have growth potential if with a regional or national company
  • Employee meals available
  • Relocation possibilities to other locations
  • Staff development and customer service training
  • Downside of working for senior living facilities
  • Compensation may be mid-range
  • May be busy with limited staff
  • May require a lot of patience working with seniors

College/University Fitness and Recreation Facilities

Almost all colleges and universities have comprehensive fitness, aquatic and recreation facilities. There are numerous opportunities in this arena. While in college, you may have the opportunity to work part-time in a facility to get a feel for this environment.

Many of these facilities are managed by companies that specialize in running college/university recreation complexes.  Some schools manage their own facilities. It would be beneficial, to know in advance, who your employer is.

Benefits of working in College/University Fitness and Recreation Facilities:

Excellent healthcare and other benefits usually available through the company or management company

  • Compensation plans vary between management companies versus working directly for the educational institution
  • Fun environment to work in
  • A lot of perks
  • May have growth potential if with a regional or national company.
  • Relocation possibilities to other locations
  • Staff development and customer service training

Downside of working for College/University Fitness and Recreation Facilities:

  • Working for management companies may have lower compensation plans and high financial expectations


Becoming an owner can be an exciting opportunity in any business, especially in the fitness industry. Most people who become owners have several years of experience in the industry. Others, who are passionate about fitness, become owners after having a successful career in another field.

There are several ways to go about owning a fitness facility:

  • Start one from the ground up
  • Buy an existing facility
  • Buy a club that has just closed
  • Become an equity partner in an open club
  • Buy a franchise

Your economic position will have a lot to do with which option to pursue. If you have years of experience, but don’t have cash reserves or financing options, then D may become your only option. These arrangements require a lot of due diligence on your part. I have known people who have become wealthy with this arrangement and others who have received nothing for their efforts.

Is a great option if you have had extensive experience with start-ups and grand openings of clubs? You must be properly capitalized to open a new club! Owning real estate also sweetens the payoff.

Buying an existing facility may work if you do your research. Is there a legitimate reason the club is for sale? How is the business performing financially? How are the demographics in the area? Is it a growth area or declining demographic? How old is the facility? Will it require a lot of maintenance dollars to maintain the club? Do your homework.

Buying a club that has just closed could be a great opportunity. Do your due diligence and negotiate the best deal possible with the landlord. Find out who owns the equipment! Landlords often need a club in the retail center they own to drive traffic to other retailers. So, you may be in a good position to negotiate. You also need to find out how dues are being billed, how many members have pre-paid and a host of other financial questions.

Buying a franchise can be a safe bet.

Really good franchises require a lot of money upfront. Franchises offer a successful track record and a plan to follow. Research the companies and watch out for a sales environment that is designed to garner “a yes” from everyone they speak to.

Some franchises require specific business skills and do a great job “Qualifying” prospects to see if you meet their qualifications. Other companies qualify you by making sure you have your check book with you. Do your homework.

Benefits of owning your own club:

  • Earning potential is almost greater than being an employee, but not always
  • Job security; if you are successful
  • You may have greater control over your schedule to watch your kids grow up
  • Build equity if you own the building
  • Building a business to sell or will to your family

Downside of owning your own club:

  • The buck stops with you
  • Employee hassles
  • Maintenance challenges
  • May not make any money for a while
  • Need to prepare for unexpected expenses
  • Change in market conditions/competition

Management Companies

There are management companies in a few of the above verticals:  health clubs, colleges/universities, corporate fitness centers and even medical fitness centers.

Really good management companies own and manage their own facilities as well as managing sites. Do your homework and really investigate/research the management company you are going to consider working for.

Benefits of working for Management Companies

  • Growth potential if the management company you are working for is proactively securing new contracts
  • Staff development opportunities from the management company
  • Opportunity to travel to different geographical areas

Excellent health insurance and benefits usually available

Downside of working for Management Companies:

  • Performance oriented
  • May not have job security if the management company loses the contract of the project you are working for

Introducing the new NCCPT Career Corner!

To see more of articles like this, and receive career tips, job opportunities and more, sign up for the NCCPT Newsletter at https://tinyurl.com/nccptnewsletter

One of the things that sets the NCCPT apart from other organizations is our focus on the business end of fitness. The science is important but equally important is ensuring our trainers have the resources to help them succeed. To help with everything from a job search and interview to asking for raise the NCCPT is proud to partner with Alan Cohen, President of fitnessjobs.com and a life time industry expert.

Article reprinted with permission from NCCPT. Written by Alan Cohen. Alan is a career expert in the health & fitness industry and founder of FitnessJobs.com. He can be reached by email at alan@fitnessjobs.com or by calling 800-259-4397.


Lisa Dougherty Interviewed on Never Too Late for Fitness Podcast with Phil Faris

MFN founder Lisa Dougherty was recently interviewed by Phil Faris, host of the Never Too Late for Fitness podcast. Listen below:

Description from Never Too Late for Fitness Podcast:

Lisa Dougherty is a fitness industry pioneer, a personal trainer as well as CEO of Medical Fitness Network and President of Medical Fitness Education Foundation.

Lisa graduated from the University of California, Irvine’s Fitness Instructor Program, and went on to get her Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach Certifications through the American Council on Exercise. She has many specialty certifications to work with those with medical conditions, post-surgical/rehab as well as pre-& postpartum fitness.

Lisa founded Whole Body Fitness in 1999 and has helped many people of all ages achieve their fitness goals. Lisa provided volunteer service as the President of the OC Nutrition & Fitness Council, a nonprofit organization, overseeing the organization’s mission and monitoring nutrition programs at schools in Orange County.

Lisa has been recognized as a fitness leader several times including Personal Fitness Professional Magazine naming her a Trainer of the Year Finalist in 2016 and finalist for the 2015 Trailblazer Award. She was also a 2016 finalist for the White House Champion of Change.

As impressive as these accomplishments sound, the projects Lisa is working on now promise to be real game changers in the medical fitness arena.

During the interview Lisa shares:

  • How the Medical Fitness Network connects the community to fitness, wellness, and allied health professionals to maximize quality of life.
  • Why people with medical conditions and chronic diseases need specialized fitness and health care.
  • What inspired her to start the MFN.
  • How MFN helps nonprofit medical and health organizations better serve their members.
  • Why top medical, wellness and fitness experts volunteer their time and experience to help MFN achieve their mission.
  • How MFN provides education to prepare professionals to serve specialized populations.
  • What her next projects are as well the exciting possibilities for MFN and the medical fitness marketplace.
Portrait of smiling women wearing pink for breast cancer in parkland

Breast Cancer Survivorship & the Fitness Trainer

Do you know any breast cancer survivors? What if you were told that exercise could help them get their lives back?  Would you want to learn more?

There are 3 million breast cancer survivors in the United States today. Survivorship is considered to be from the time that one is first diagnosed to many years later. Fitness professionals are uniquely positioned to help survivors regain control over their mind and body through a well thought out, systematic and progressive exercise program.


There are many women who live with metastatic disease. This is breast cancer that has spread to other organs and is the most serious diagnosis. Breast cancer survivors undergo different treatments depending on the stage of their breast cancer.

The stages are organized from 1-4 with stage 1 being the least serious and stage 4 being cancer that has spread to other organs. The treatments can include surgery, radiation, and systemic treatments. Systemic treatment affects the entire body and includes chemotherapy and biological and hormonal treatments. In addition, surgery to replace the breast is another option performed either at the time of surgery or later on.

In addition, the treatments can vary from one individual to another as there are many different treatment protocols which one can choose from in coordination with the medical team. Access to treatment facilities can be another factor in treatment options.

Unfortunately, breast cancer treatment can wreck havoc physically, cognitively, emotionally and spiritually.  Some of the challenges that survivors face are chemotherapy Induced peripheral neuropathy, fatigue (most common), osteoporosis, chemotherapy related cognitive dysfunction, pain, weight gain, cardio toxicity and decreased balance.

A medical fitness trainer can provide survivors with a safe well- balanced exercise program that supports healing from treatments, side effects, treatment precautions, and contraindications.

Naomi Aaronson MA OTR/L CHT, CPI, Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer, has been an occupational therapist for 20 years and a certified hand therapist for 10 years. Naomi was introduced to Pilates after two car accidents, and credits Pilates for restoring both her strength and spirit. She is a well known author and presenter who believes in the power of mind and body to foster healing.


Shower Safety Tips for Seniors

According to CDC, people over 75 are twice as likely as younger people to have a nonfatal injury in the bathroom. The risk for people over 85 is four times higher. Every year, more than 400 people drown in bathtubs, while thousands fall, which leads to fractures and injuries. There are three main reasons behind this: firstly, seniors have limited mobility, moreover many medicines they take can also cause hypotension or dizziness. Lastly, many surfaces in the bath, such as metal, porcelain, tiles, etc., are slippery, and even with very little moistures on them, they can turn into a skating rink.

You can do a few things to minimize the risk of injury, which might otherwise lead to permanent disability or even death.

Make sure the water isn’t too hot

Seniors are at a twofold risk from hot water. The ability to feel heat decreases with age, and certain medications or neurological damage can further diminish this ability. Besides, older citizens have a comparatively thinner skin, which means even a brief exposure to hot water can result in burns. Therefore, make sure your water heater temperature doesn’t exceed 120F degrees.

Make your bathroom a skid proof zone

The biggest culprit behind bathroom injuries are the slippery surfaces. Some people use non-slip decals to address this, however, they don’t cover the entire bathroom. Your bathtub can be extremely slippery because it stays wet most of the time. Seniors can not only slip while stepping into it but also when trying to get up. A CDC study shows that seniors are more like to fall when sitting down on or getting up from the toilet. In addition to your shower stall, the bathtub and the whole bathroom floor should be covered with a mat and rugs with rubber backing.

Ensure better accessibility

Remove any obstacles that are close to the bathroom door, and ensure adequate lighting. Many seniors will feel the urge to urinate at night; poor lighting can be a significant hazard in this case. Remove anything that can easily be tripped over. Also make sure that the commonly used items such as shampoo, soap, towel, etc. are within easy reach. Consider getting door locks that can be opened from the outside as well, so they can have privacy and caregivers can reach out in case of any mishap.

Install safety fixtures

This can be an extremely beneficial investment as it can help older citizens move around without risk of falling. Consider shower grab bars, raised toilet seats, and non-slip grip tape to help prevent falls. Grab bars are particularly beneficial as they can be used as an anchor point when moving in or out of the shower. Also, grab bars can help you loved senior brace themselves in case of a fall.

Offer supervision

If possible, have someone at the ready when your senior is in the bathroom. This can be hard, but you don’t have to stand outside the bathroom all the time. Just make sure you are attentive when they’re in. Seniors with mobility issues might be aided by someone who can assist them with bathing like a caregiver or home health aid. At the very least, they should be assisted in and out of the bath tub to prevent a fall.

Some of these tips are easy while others require more effort, however, they can all go a long way in ensuring the safety of your loved ones and minimizing the risk of injuries in the bathroom.

Joe Fleming is the President at ViveHealth.com. Interested in all things related to living a healthy lifestyle, he enjoys sharing and expressing his passion through writing. Working to motivate others and defeat aging stereotypes, Joe uses his writing to help all people overcome the obstacles of life. Covering topics that range from physical health, wellness, and aging all the way to social, news, and inspirational pieces…the goal is help others “rebel against age”.

Therapist doing massage releasing tension by pressing chest on p

Massage and Breast Cancer

Jane is a breast cancer survivor. She has dealt with the diagnosis and the life-changing stress it brings. She has gone through radiation to shrink her tumor to an operable size. She endured surgery that took not only her breast, but many critical lymph nodes from her armpit as well. She has undergone chemotherapy to be sure that no rogue cells may survive. She emerges from this ordeal feeling battered and bruised inside and out. The chemo has left her thin, bald, and exhausted. She experiences lasting achiness and pain in the affected arm, where circulation is sluggish at best. Her surgical scars continue to generate pain long after they have healed. She wonders when, if ever, she’ll feel like herself again. Her caregivers suggest that she “learn to live with it.”

Breast cancer survivors face so many challenges. One of the most frustrating is the challenge to “learn to live with the pain” that so often follows breast cancer surgery and treatment. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a therapy available that would ameliorate many of the worst side effects of breast cancer treatment? What if there was something a person could do that would reduce postsurgical pain, limit edema, and raise energy levels – all without drugs or further surgical intervention?

Therapist doing massage releasing tension by pressing chest on pThere is: more and more breast cancer survivors are discovering two adjunct treatments that help them to cope with the changes their illness and surgery bring about: friction therapy and massage therapy.

Many massage and bodywork therapists have traditionally been concerned about the possibility that bodywork, through its impact on the circulatory and lymphatic systems, could put cancer patients at risk of exacerbating their disease. Recently the profession has begun questioning this anxiety, and techniques have been developed that allow massage and bodywork therapists to work safely and effectively with many cancer patients. Such therapy is done in conjunction with general cancer care, always with the knowledge and understanding of the rest of the patient’s healthcare team. Friction or massage therapy is never done without the specific approval from the treating physician.

Friction Therapy Can Reduce Post-Surgical Pain

When a person undergoes surgery for any reason, the accumulation of scar tissue can cause lasting pain. Scar tissue grows wherever the skin, muscle, fascia, or other types of tissue have been injured. When a body is recovering from injury, new fibers of dense proteins begin to knit the tissues back together. These protein fibers, called collagen, are strong and sticky. They are very good at holding things together, but they can create “adhesions” – places where layers of tissue that should move freely become literally glued together. Scar tissue adhesions can limit mobility. As the scar tissue matures it begins to contract, which limits mobility even further.

Friction therapy can reverse this process in two ways. If it is applied in the first three or four months of scar tissue formation, it can influence the quality of the healing for maximum efficiency and minimize unnecessary scar tissue build-up. But even if friction therapy isn’t tried until many months after the tissue has healed incorrectly, it can still free the tissue by reversing much of the adhesion process.

Friction therapy is a non-invasive, hands-on treatment performed by a skilled therapist. No oils or creams are used so there can be no gliding over the skin. The pain producing scar tissue formation is identified first. Then the therapist uses gentle strokes, performed at a ninety degree angle to the scar, to slowly and carefully break useless, pain-causing scar tissue apart.

The client is then given gentle movements to perform daily at home to prevent new scar tissue from forming in the same places. The process is slow and steady, relieving the pain due to the formation of adhesive scar tissue.

Massage Therapy and Stress Reduction

Stress has a profound impact on the body, which devastates our disease fighting mechanisms. The chemicals we secrete when we are under stress interfere with digestion and sleep, slowing down the healing process. Research with breast cancer patients has shown that massage therapy reduces the level of stress-related chemicals in the body. Breast cancer patients who receive massage also report lower levels of anxiety and depression than recipients of other interventions. This phenomenon has been observed in other populations as well.

Massage Therapy Immune System Activity

Cortisol and adrenaline, the hormones we secrete during short and long-term stress, have been seen to diminish immune system activity. Some immune system agents that are especially disabled by a stress reaction are called natural killer cells. These natural killer cells target developing tumors for destruction.

In some populations, massage therapy has been shown to not only decrease the secretion of stress hormones, but also to increase the number of natural killer cells circulating in the blood.

Counteracting the Side Effects of Cancer Therapies

Radiation and chemotherapy are physically exhausting for the body. It can take every iota of energy simply to get up in the morning when you are in these stages of fighting cancer. Massage therapy helps to increase overall levels of energy by reducing unnecessary levels of muscle tension and stress that can make it hard to get the rest and sleep a person in recovery needs.

Positive Body Image

Massage therapist next to massage tableA woman who has been through breast cancer surgery, whether it’s a simple lumpectomy or a radical double mastectomy, emerges with a body that is fundamentally different from the one she began with. Many women struggle with body image issues following surgery. Breasts can help define a woman’s femininity, and to lose part or both of them can change how she feels about herself as a person. One of the most precious gifts massage therapy can give is a time of intimate non-sexual touch during which the whole goal of the session is to focus on how wonderful the client’s body can feel. Time spent in the simple enjoyment of physical touch can go a long way in the journey toward self-acceptance and the joy of being alive.

Massage therapy can increase energy, improve circulation and mobility, decrease soreness, help with body image, and alleviate stress. So the next time you ask about your pain and you’re told to “learn to live with it,” be aware that you have other options. Look up a massage therapist in your area who specializes in working with cancer survivors. You don’t have to live with the pain.

Finding a Massage Therapist

It is important to remember that not all massage and bodywork therapists are trained to work with cancer survivors. There are specific precautions that accompany different stages of treatment and recovery. Make sure your massage therapist is well informed and up to date on these guidelines. Check that your therapist has received training in working with people who have had or who have cancer. Be certain that they work with your medical staff, educating them about massage therapy and obtaining their permission for different massage techniques. Be clear that they understand pertinent precautions, pressure restrictions, or any areas to avoid.

Authored by Ben Benjamin, PhD and Ruth Werner, LMT. Reprinted with permission from Health Touch Issue #4. Other articles by Dr. Benjamin are available on his website.