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There are 30 million Americans today with diabetes and 86 million Americans with pre-diabetes. An estimated thirty percent of them will go on to get Type 2 diabetes. Yet few physicians send their patients who can benefit from diabetes education
Let’s face it, making changes in our lives is not easy. Sometimes we quit before even starting a new resolution, on other occasions we eventually manage to reach some results (i.e. “yes! I quit smoking”) that time reveals later to
I have been a personal trainer and strength and conditioning specialist for 24 years, but first and foremost, I am a parent to a high school and collegiate athlete. My son and daughter have been playing basketball since they were
Some athletes are still on the “see-food diet”. They see food and they eat it. Others are a bit more mindful about how they nourish their bodies; they put thought into selecting high-quality foods that invest in good health, quick
One of my favorite topics, POSTURE, will improve your exercise habits and your daily living. Here are 5 ways that posture improvement and increasing your core strength will change your life!
At Rejuv Medical, trainers and medical professions work together to create safe and progressive nutrition and fitness programs, and track outcomes. Our exercise program consists of Medical doctors, nurse practitioners, registered dietician, athletic trainers, behavioral therapists, physical therapist, health coaches
Diane is a Fitness Professional, Master Trainer, Health Specialist for Blue Shield of Northeastern New York, and President and Executive Director of the National Association for Health and Fitness (NAHF). She is also the recipient of the 2016 Lifetime Achievement
Like many people, I enjoy spending time outdoors in the summer. When it comes to wearing sunscreen though, I admit I’m not as diligent as I should be. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a time when baby oil
Recently I met up with an old friend I hadn’t seen in a couple of years.
Me: "Hey buddy! How are you?"
Friend: "I'm well, thanks! And...look at you! You look really healthy and fit!"
Me: "Well, yeah, thanks. Frankly speaking I've been
Emily Hu had always considered herself a mediocre athlete. Short legs made her a terrible runner, she says, and poor upper body strength made pull-ups an exercise in frustration.