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Our mission is to make fitness fun. This isn’t just about laughing and having a good time, but also about feeling smart and confident about how to exercise. This is especially important for clients who come in with specific limitations
Mark Mueller is a personal trainer and Director of Trainers for the MS Fitness Challenge. He owns Mueller Personal Training in Elizabethtown, PA
What healthy people can learn from getting their genome sequenced.
What do the following items have in common? Alarm, Sunscreen, Exercise, Notes, Medication, Advice...
With the recent push for getting everybody moving, for some, Health Screening, Exercise Testing, Exercise Prescription as well as Fitness Programming are all areas where professional guidance may be necessary. The knowledge and experience of multiple Healthcare and Fitness Professionals
In the 2013 film Her, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) falls head over heels in love with his computer operating system. After meeting “her,” he never wants to be without her, and his life is changed forever. That’s how New Yorker Marian
Many of us spend 8 hours or more sitting per day. Did you know that extended sitting, even for individuals who exercise 30 minutes per day, increases your risk for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and even early death?
It is a bit shocking when I realize I have been teaching fitness since 1975 right out of high school. I started teaching basic dance aerobics, which were the first version of high/low aerobics by Jacki Sorensen. I taught my
My clients commonly ask me What should I weigh? — as if I had a crystal ball. Although I could look at weight charts, I find charts to often be misleading; each athlete’s body is unique. I prefer to suggest
As of January 1, 2015, all 75 plus million Baby Boomers had celebrated their 50th birthday thus beginning two decades of older consumers out numbering those under 18 for the first time in history. And not just those who were