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According to the CDC, during 2019-2021, 1 in 5 adults in the United States experienced doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Since then, the number has consistently increased! The latest statistics from Health.Gov estimate the number of reported arthritis diagnoses is now 1 in
Is there such a thing as an anti-inflammatory diet? While there is no specific “diet” that people with arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) should follow, researchers have identified certain foods that can help control inflammation. Many of them are found
We all love our mobility because it offers us the freedom to move more freely and live more fully. When we are young we can run, jump, climb, skip and move our body in all directions, freely and easily. As we grow
If you work with people living with Parkinson’s disease then you’ve learned that every PD “fighter” experiences their own unique combinations of symptoms. Someone might have a tremor, hypophonia, and cognitive issues, while another struggles with rigidity, balance, vestibular issues
Bill walked into my client’s fitness studio clutching two things: a book and a small piece of paper.
With a sheepish look, he revealed, “My doctor gave me your book and this script to contact you. That was almost a year
Start thinking about how your company can participate on Global Employee Health & Fitness Month!
Throughout the month of MAY, employers will challenge their employees to participate in health and
fitness activities.
Many times when I run in Central Park, I see some elite runners. They look like gazelles. However, sometimes, I will see runners who have knees turned in, toes turned the opposite way, or simply just POUNDING on their feet.
No matter how fit and healthy your older clients are, there is one thing that can change their lives forever: a bad fall. Every year, almost 1/3 of older adults fall and many cause injuries that will affect them the
Teaching proper and biomechanically safe movement patterns takes a keen understanding of each pattern. What muscles and joints are involved? What skills are required for good execution? What deficiencies does the client have based on your preliminary movement
Do you often eat as a reaction to stress, anxiety, and other unwelcome feelings? Do you turn to high-fat, sugary “comfort foods” to cope with negative emotions? Discover why you stress eat in the first place, why it works, and