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“First, which hand?”
“Right hand”
“That’s your left. Which one is your right hand?”
Debbie holds up her right hand.
“That’s your right hand! Alright, cool, walking band pulls with your right hand.”
Coaching fitness programs for the autism population is taking the art
This is the pizza crust I developed for my gluten free corporate lunch and learns. I needed a crust that was fast and easy to handle. GF recipes are often unstable and difficult for a novice GF baker to execute.
We have all heard that we should strive for balance in our life. Balance requires adequate sleep, food, movement, play, and acts of self-care. Most of us are lucky if we get 3 of those in one day. Lack of
According to the American College of Sports Medicine’s flagship journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (1), there are more than 21 million Americans with Type 2 Diabetes as of 2010 with an estimated 7 million undiagnosed. If these
What does it mean to be fit or “be in shape”? We set fitness goals for a variety of reasons that are important to us at the time but in the long run is really losing weight a lasting goal?
Good nutritional practices are the groundwork for a healthy and productive life. People with Parkinson’s and their Care Partners have extra challenges to face as they navigate life with this progressive disease that causes tremors, slowness of movement, muscle stiffness
Is there really a difference between CBT and DBT? Both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) come from the same family of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is one of the best treatment methods available to treat a wide range
Keeping up with the latest science-based sports nutrition recommendations is a challenge. We are constantly bombarded with media messages touting the next miracle sports food or supplement that will enhance athletic performance, promote fat loss, build muscle, and help you
I am not referring to the still life of the 17th century, a tradition that originated with Dutch painters and spread throughout Europe, where often there was a religious dimension.[1] I am also not referring to still in the sense
Say good-bye to the myth of the "delicate" condition and hello to pregnancy in the 21st Century!
Current research continues to show that women can safely exercise and maintain their fitness level during the perinatal period. The mom who laces up her